The Development Of The Washing Machine

How is the washing machine developed and when has she been so as we know it? For centuries was the dirty laundry often for days on end rubbed with vegetable substances, sand, ash lye, or later also use SOAP in rain or river water and kneaded. Little wonder, then, that is early masterminds sustainably speculated, to simplify this heavy manual work. It remains amazing, however, that it was precisely a Regensburg theologian, the primacy of the inventor is the. in 1767, Jacob Christian Schaffern developed the so-called stirring wing machine. Only the approximately 100 years later, namely in 1885 developed drum washing machine of the American Hamilton Smirt, could provide however real simple washing performance. The first electrically-powered washing machine introduced Fischer finally in 1901 of American Alva J.. The real triumph of the washing machine started in the fifties of the previous century.

First, the fully automatic Constructa was at its first presentation in Germany in 1951 as a prestigious luxury appliances admired. Five years earlier a such machine had already caused furore in the United States. Another important condition for the success of the washing machine: Now there were also effective laundry detergent such as Persil, dash and Ariel on the market. The triumph of the automatic washing system has been possible but due to many technical innovations. The first drum washing machines turned very slowly, making the laundry had to be found in all wet. In addition they were deafeningly loud of huge proportions, had only a cooking program and looked not very chic.

Added to this was an enormous expense for the proper installation and mounting. Therefore, metal and wooden tub washing machines initially dominated the market. These were equipped with a container of lye and an additional spin. Water and laundry were heated in the tub and agitator blades, Lye circulation or a wave or Turbo wheel moves.