All the history turns around 2 people who fall in love the one with the other almost at first sight and must happen through tests to be able to be together. As one comments, the author is able to enter to us in mysterious terrible rites and initiatory tests making us also include/understand the dangers that the contact with an organization involves hide regressive, that it can take to the annihilation. To sum up, a work that at the same time as it recreates leaves a coefficient of healthy education In the personnel, I read the first time to the twenty years of age and its content for that then woke up mainly in my much interest, which can be obtained when there is identification, union and communication when to share the life, guaranteeing itself in which the classic esoterismo bequeaths to us for our growth. In that then ones hardly it was touching to the door than the spiritual demand and forces to fulfill while permaneceos in this dimension, in the form of how to tolerate to us, to identify everything what with the signs, signals allow us to be kind and to work our spirit. I returned it to read after five years, when it reunited to me with a group of compatible people in the spiritual subjects we often debated and it analyzing its content, which the book in if it locks up and evaluating what it contributes to us for being always kind in everything what invites to us to be authentic, to be wide-awake in everything what is due to learn to aim to take advantage of the life that occurs us especially and, to know how to share it, especially with that somehow we have identified like special, while we remain in this dimension. Mainly, when we have made the decision to form a home as in my case individual was very special with the encounter of my companion and where one narrates the diverse tests that must be surpassed in order to be together.