
As women we know what that is indescribable when the groom is asked to hand and shows us he has chosen for us, but what I can not deny our critical eye never sleeps, admired, amazed, delighted, but still imagine what it would look larger, smaller, with extra detail here or another there, in short, not boys, is not that we do not like, it's just our nature that speaks, it will make us run to the Jewelry and try to choose the best wedding ring that will combine. There are places where they sell ring games, you can ask your boyfriend if you're part of a package or if you do not want to kill the moment just look at the details of your ring so you can create your own mix. If your ring is a solid color either yellow or white, you can choose a ring that combines the two colors, this will help the harmony between the two also adding a little extra to not look so simple. Please browse the ring you choose does not have as big diamonds opacarian to the engagement ring, are valid small subtle shine. If the ring of your engagement ring is very thick, compensalo with a thinner ring in the wedding and vice versa, remember that this is to use both at the same time, so I imagine them together and displays that occupy space on your finger. We know that men in many elections we are aware that we do and especially if it revolves around a wedding, but remember that the rings are usually delivered the same for both bride and groom, only with some variations, so if you really want your future husband use your ring with pride Behold him at the time of your choice..