Great Hinterland Trails

None! He is what I say. He approves you? He declares everything to me, frank is high grace makes that me: to ask for I can, encarecido. This case for estrdio sees that me is of my certain importance. It takes was not But, does not say that Mr., assisado and instructed, who believes the person of it? Not? I am thankful to it! Its alta' '. Opinio' '.

it composes my value. Already wise person, waited for it already the field! Ah, people, in the oldness, lack to have its aragem of rest. I am thankful to it. None has devil. Nor spirit. Never vi. Somebody had to see, then he was I myself, this your server. It was to count to it Well, the devil regulates its state black, in the creatures, the women, the men.

Even: in the children I say. Therefore he is not dictated: ' ' boy train of diabo' '? in the uses, the plants, waters, the land, the wind Estrumes The devil in the street, the way it redemunho ' ' (Guimares Rose: Great Hinterland: trails.) To cover the Great Hinterland Trails is to travel in history, the culture and literature. It is to dive in a wild place and to find the personages livings creature of Pink Guimares. It is to know simple and peculiar a vocabulary. It is to understand the wisdom cream and the cordialidade of its inhabitants. It is one another world. The hinterland in this region is not so cruel, but yes beautiful gigantic e. Recently MSCO sought to clarify these questions. What it is seen of surplus is hope and perseverance of the people with callous hands and full life of histories and fight. Guimares in Great Hinterland: Trails to give to a former-gunman the function of being a narrator-personage who presents Metaphysical reflections and an orality fulente. With such form to express reasons and questions universal human beings, Guimares you also display aspects regional through of the significant speech and the presented space.