Education and Respect, do not make badly to nobody! Education and Respect are practical of good use, action, decisions that hinder in to make or to say them ackward things to somebody, and both do not have restriction to the social status, color, race, age, religion, up to one have said popular one that says: Education comes of cradle ‘ ‘ Bobagem’ ‘! An education does not limit it social classrooms, has to have with principles, respect, maturity, day-by-day, values and this if it learns throughout the life, it wants either in house, the school or the social conviviality, therefore education if learns and if it teaches. Education and respect are what it expects and if demands in a work environment, either with its manager, colleague, physical space, its activities and mainly with you yourselves. Education to speech, hearing, and above all respect when acting, not taking and bringing unnecessary colloquies, thus preventing undesirable fofocas, not to leave that the problems staffs intervene or influence in the relation with the colleague, not to abuse the position that occupies, are small attitudes that allow a respectable and pleasant environment. ‘ ‘ He does not mean that you are false, when you is legal with whom you do not like. It means that you are mature the sufficient pra to be educado.’ ‘ (Enas) to be educated is to know to respect the adversities, the limits, the human being, the life. Education and respect only become one, it does not have education without respect and vice versa. She is necessary to learn to respect the other, is to know that its right starts when of the colleague it finishes. All and any relation has that to have as base the respect, therefore thus we will only coexist in peace and harmony us and the others. It never is late for learning and practising education!
Tag: personal development
Brazilian Capital Money
Consequence of the accumulation of the Brazilian capital. Brazil, a nation or nation of one? Since the primrdios the man shows an ambition, while some worked and group in the hunting and the collection, others looked for to be distinguished in these alone activities, those that obtained some type of advantage finished being seen with ' ' melhor' '. With the time the rustic commercialization started, that is, in the base of the exchange, rocks for hen, shells for fish, being this one of the first vestiges of the capitalist system. With the feudalismo and its commercialization more sophisticated the currencies and letters of credit if they become used aspects each day more. A similarity of this everything is the fact to always exist a hierarchy, a member in which is representative of being able, for example: The king, the emperor, the president, fara, the chieftain However nor always the relation with the power represented wealth substance, some times the knowledge, the force, the blood, was things that kept this hierarchy. With the industrial Revolution the capitalist system being a system practically adopted universal, to have to be able today, means to possess corporeal properties in which it will bring profit very, that is, to be able = money. In Brazil, this wealth is not including, is few those that are ' ' ricos' ' , but these owners of ' ' much dinheiro' ' they look for to gain more money investing in corporeal properties, stock market, action, instead of investing in some things in which they will only have future answers, but that it will be the growth of the nation, as: to invest in the education of the public schools, instead of buying the car of the year, this would make with that the children were better professionals in the future. To invest in the incentive to the sport, instead of spending money with mansions, that is, to invest in productive things, and not in fteis corporeal properties.