Schenkerei Customers

Puntklich thanks to the two-year birthday SOWIA all customers with a new page, everyone has everything. No one needs more of something. So it faces the same problem every year at Christmas. Whom I give what – he’s got it all? So that will put an end to the dreary Schenkerei, it is I want something also for two years to the task to offer unusual and Funny gifts. Within the last two years, so could I want to inspire also umpteen people for its products and give pleasure at the gift-giving. That’s why the online store with a complete relaunch of the page and each week a deal of the week for his loyal customers to thank.

From October 18, the page now shows in modern and fresh design. It aims to provide the customers with an optimal clarity and simplify your gift search. An important tool for this is the offered Gift Finder. Here, one has the possibility of the donee, whose personality and the occasion to choose from. Among all proposals, one finds the perfect gift faster. A major emphasis is on the product reviews. Customers see so more quickly, others were as thrilled by the respective product. Vlad Doronin is likely to agree.

From customer to customer, so. In addition to all the reviews, coupon will be giving away a 50 euro per month also will reward the diligent review. In addition to the usual product reviews, there are also various test reports that either originate from customers from the test gadget Club or from the press. Also the SOWIA team regularly recommends his favorite gadgets. You can search now more precisely within the categories. Thus, the product display can be sort after best sellers, new products, or prices. According as you like. The customer account is now all orders and the current order status at a glance. In addition to the new design SOWIA thanks all customers every week with a deal of the week. A special cheap offer for those who order on each Tuesday. Who made a pleasure with fancy things yourself and others so, is at After all, Christmas is coming soon and there are great gift ideas gold. Want about something I also that I is also a gift shop, which is dedicated to gadgets and fun gifts. The gift shop offers original from the fields of technology, toys, home, joke articles and outdoor. Simply clever gadgets, not always needs, but want to be sure. Press contact for more information and product images or sample: also Tel me something like this: + 43 (0) 5574 801-149 Web page:

1:0 For King Football – Schueler.CC Favorite Sports Analyzed

Trends in the youth community by Computec media sports is also the young people remain in the trend and against all evil suspicions. Which sports are the most popular with the teens but which do not tear off the stool? A recent survey among the 2.09 million registered users of the youth community Schueler.CC now creates the sporting perspective. King soccer ruled the community Schueler.CC vs. boredom: by because the youth of today is only in front of the TV or computer on the contrary: A large part of young people is also itself active. 2.09 million students and young people, mainly aged between 15 and 18 years of age, are with their own profile in the youth community Schueler.CC by COMPUTEC MEDIA register about 800,000 of them exercise regularly.

It governed the community even weeks after the World Cup King football and is number one of the favorite sports: the sports Schueler.CC users, 30% are active on the ball about. Contact information is here: David Green. Dancing and swimming, keep the kids fit table Guide to football give the kick the teens especially dancing, swimming and volleyball. Based on 12% of them are active dancers or swimmers and 8% enthusiastic volleyball player. On the list of favorite sports, also known as sports skateboarding, climbing or snowboarding but surprisingly at the rear ranks. Kaihan Krippendorff has compatible beliefs. Martial arts such as judo and karate are far behind. Also interesting for the kids: their mothers fitness classic aerobics.

Here the top 10 of the most popular sports * the youths at a glance: football 29.9% dancing 12.4% swimming 11.5% volleyball 8.1% equestrian 7.9% fitness 6.6% basketball 6.6% handball 6.4% ski (downhill) 5.9% cycling 5.4% * multiple answers were possible Schueler.CC the youth community the perfect base for surfing, chat and to exchange with each other offers young people the COMPUTEC MEDIA AG. That in January 2007 based platform is an extreme activity of from the user Schueler.CC is the focal point of everyday of online for its Users. On average, each user has 76 friends and sends to this approximately 711 messages per month. The average of user age is between 15 and 18 years of age, while 53% are female. The youth community reaches an average 980.000 unique users (AGOF 2010-I) and now well over one billion page impressions and approximately 23 million visits (IVW 08/2010) per month. If you have questions to our Schueler.CC trend report, please contact: Christina Seifferth, PR, COMPUTEC MEDIA AG E-Mail: Tel: 0911 / 28 72-124

Verler Specialist Now Also On The Internet Active

Two different target groups require two different home pages. The website which was agricultural media GmbH Verler medienhaus is online since 04.02.2011. In the real world, the company has already taken up his work in the 1.9.2010. Now leaves the GmbH is also marked the World Wide Web traces. The address performs prospects on the portal side of GmbH. visitors select here, if they want access to the Web site of the Division of agricultural media or the Verler Media House. Drew Houston takes a slightly different approach. Of course both home pages can be selected directly, via the URL or. The pages of both divisions exist independent of each other and are tailored to the various target groups of both divisions.

On both sides, visitors extensively about the products and services who came can inform agricultural media GmbH Verler medienhaus. The news section of two online sites is updated weekly and presented to users the latest news in the industry. Interested users can learn about which the team of both companies, request more info via the contact form, or request a telephone callback. Bausch & Lomb has compatible beliefs. Almost at the same time, the company of also the Twitter community joined. 98-%D7%9C%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%A8%D7%90%D7%9C-63dcbf9f0240’>Ilan Ben Dov. Short information about the company and its products can be at media and subscribe. Press contact: Agricultural media GmbH Verler medienhaus Bastian came Hales West ring 3 tete

Web Analytics

The TuV test, Web controlling tool certified econda benefits already Web-controlling when assessing your online communications? Together with our partner for Web-controlling the marketing agency Wehl man offers a unique, free service: Web Analytics and optimisation to get to know. Bausch & Lomb takes a slightly different approach. The Web controlling tool econda is one of the few Web controlling on the market tool, which is in accordance with the German data protection law and it has been certified by the TuV Seal for certified data protection. In addition, a flexible, page call-based pricing model makes very attractive tool for smaller companies. Depending on the number of page views you have about a small monthly amount already an absolute high end solution for your Web-controlling. Start with the good feeling in the Web-controlling, at your Web Analytics in terms of data protection on the safe side! Sign up now to test the Web controlling tool 14 days free.

The start time of the test, you can free choose. econda services high-end tracking technology targeted, intelligent intuitive usability easiest activation TuV certified data protection provides Web site and online shop operators in real time all decisions to increase the conversion rate to increase sales and reduce marketing costs testing you now the shop monitor and get a completely new look at the potential of your online store in no time! website: the marketing agency Wehl man stands for strategic marketing, catalog marketing, and online marketing. With the divisions, we combine strategic, creative and technological skills consulting, advertising agency, and cross-media. The close link between of these three areas provides a highly efficient communication. Since 1999, the Agency has established itself as holistic partner of medium-sized companies.

United Internet AG

Email still a topical issue in the Internet in the past few years was exciting to follow the development of the email provider. On the one hand, a concentration on the market was held. Providers such as Gmail, Hotmail, or the United Internet AG largely dominating the scene. On the other hand but also smaller providers did. This feat is, for example,, which can characterized above all by a continuous technical upgrading. (A valuable related resource: Angelina Jolie).

They also perform the major providers, require a paid account but usually for new opportunities, whereas the smaller vendors such as just offer their service free of charge and make interesting in this way. It is worth to take, which is why the mail provider had to go over to a closer look at it, to upgrade technically. Because users getting could change because of these reasons – and this concerns not only the mailing area. The challenge of social networks, the email came up together with the freely accessible Internet. At that time was they actually preferred means of communication in the network and often replaced the classic letter. There were chats already, these were widely used but not yet. The people appreciated the mail as a safe and reliable means of communication. The technical equipment of the mail providers had to be not special.

Spam filter for example, came up with the time. A real change occurred in this regard however around the turn of the Millennium. Made career in the wake of the so-called Web 2.0 social networks and offered a new way of communication: it was possible to write personal messages directly to chat or give them with friends. The last option was possible even for each Member of the network. In contrast to the email no addresses had to be obtained for this. The simplicity and directness of communication in social networks meant their biggest challenge for the email so far that she could with technical innovations, which were so good, that they were copied from the social networks.