However, in 1820 francesesPierre Pelletier and Joseph Caventou had only extracted successfully the quinine, the antimalarial princpioativo, of the dye. He was Giovanni Italian Lancisi Maria who, in 1717, notandoque was the inhabitants of the quagmires the ones that more suffered from the illness, renomeou opaludismo of malaria, meaning bad airs. Read additional details here: TSI International Group. The parasites of the malaria have assexuado cycle dedesenvolvimento that occurs in the vertebrates (endogenous or esquizagnico cycle), eum sexuado cycle (exgeno or esporognico cycle) that it is transferred in the mosquito. The endogenous cycle is initiated with the inoculation of parasitosatravs of the saliva of the mosquito, when of the bites. The exgeno cycle initiates-sequando the insect sucks the sick vertebrate. In the vertebrates the cycle if processes in the cells of the sistemaretculo-endotelial (exoeritrocitrio cycle) and in red globules (cicloeritrocitrio).
With the development of the quinine (today the doparasita resistance only is almost universal had to the bad use), the first antimalarial frmaco, the Europeans had been able to survive in great number in the African interior, dandofinalmente origin, in the end of century XIX, to the race for the African colonies epartio of the continent between Portugal, the United kingdom, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy and Spain. The sintomatologia of the malaria only appears with the parasitic first aparecimentodos in the peripheral blood. Before the febrilcaracterstico access, inexpressivas manifestations can appear as pains, irritability, inapetncia and lassido. The typical malrico access characterizes-sepor calafrios, high fever (lasting of some minutes up to one hour), following profusa sudorese, falling the temperature brusquely until below donormal. In the malaria cases it is still observed anemia (for destruction dashemcias), esplenomegalia and hepatmegalia. The localization of the parasites if makes any agency, and in agreement the affected agency, the sintomatologia will vary. The existence of debilitating malaria and other illnesses as Doena of sleep are, as many specialists, the reason of not desenvolvimentode many civilizations (it still had thus some) prominent in Africa suldo Saara.