Real Merchandises

Thus being, in the societies contemporaries everything finishes being interpreted as merchandise. Marx (1971) observes that the way capitalist to organize and to reproduce the society exacerba the power of the things on the people, being limited the possibilities of recognition of the underlying social relations to the production of the merchandises and transforming them into fetiches. For it, fetiche or ilusrio character of the merchandises not if must to its value of use, that after all satisfy necessities human beings, but, yes, to its symbolic value. The capitalist society, on the other hand massifica the market, extending the amount of merchandises and, on the other hand, diversifies, modifies and multiplies the consumption standards, transforming individuals of citizens into objects when exacerbar the scale of its necessities (CANCLINI, 2001). As Featherstone (1995) the movement of generalization of the markets and magnifying of the necessities and standards of consumption of the society contemporary is the founder of ' ' culture of consumo' ' , understood, primordially, as ' ' consumption of signos' '. It is exactly this symbolic character of the merchandises that allows in them to speak in cultural economy.

The culture as category it has many meanings. In some contexts, it appears as erudio or academic formation. In the media, the culture generally represents the world of the arts: the theater, the cinema, the television, etc. However, for the anthropology, the culture are understood of much more including form. Any creation is about all and human being, symbolic Real or and that if express as life way. Its concrete quality is, therefore, onipresente, therefore it occurs in all the manifestations of the daily one: religious, politics, economic, etno-lingustica, sociocomportamental etc. the culture of the peoples is the interconnection of all these manifestations, passing still for the historical and geographic aspects (time/space). The culture, in the universal plan, is the collective direction of the survival human being and, in the particular one, it represents the identity of a people, express in the language, the practical ones and the imaginary one of the communities.