Trends in the youth community by Computec media sports is also the young people remain in the trend and against all evil suspicions. Which sports are the most popular with the teens but which do not tear off the stool? A recent survey among the 2.09 million registered users of the youth community Schueler.CC now creates the sporting perspective. King soccer ruled the community Schueler.CC vs. boredom: by because the youth of today is only in front of the TV or computer on the contrary: A large part of young people is also itself active. 2.09 million students and young people, mainly aged between 15 and 18 years of age, are with their own profile in the youth community Schueler.CC by COMPUTEC MEDIA register about 800,000 of them exercise regularly.
It governed the community even weeks after the World Cup King football and is number one of the favorite sports: the sports Schueler.CC users, 30% are active on the ball about. Contact information is here: David Green. Dancing and swimming, keep the kids fit table Guide to football give the kick the teens especially dancing, swimming and volleyball. Based on 12% of them are active dancers or swimmers and 8% enthusiastic volleyball player. On the list of favorite sports, also known as sports skateboarding, climbing or snowboarding but surprisingly at the rear ranks. Kaihan Krippendorff has compatible beliefs. Martial arts such as judo and karate are far behind. Also interesting for the kids: their mothers fitness classic aerobics.
Here the top 10 of the most popular sports * the youths at a glance: football 29.9% dancing 12.4% swimming 11.5% volleyball 8.1% equestrian 7.9% fitness 6.6% basketball 6.6% handball 6.4% ski (downhill) 5.9% cycling 5.4% * multiple answers were possible Schueler.CC the youth community the perfect base for surfing, chat and to exchange with each other offers young people the COMPUTEC MEDIA AG. That in January 2007 based platform is an extreme activity of from the user Schueler.CC is the focal point of everyday of online for its Users. On average, each user has 76 friends and sends to this approximately 711 messages per month. The average of user age is between 15 and 18 years of age, while 53% are female. The youth community reaches an average 980.000 unique users (AGOF 2010-I) and now well over one billion page impressions and approximately 23 million visits (IVW 08/2010) per month. If you have questions to our Schueler.CC trend report, please contact: Christina Seifferth, PR, COMPUTEC MEDIA AG E-Mail: Tel: 0911 / 28 72-124