
Life is so, if you don’t take control of your life, other people will come into your life and they control your movements, and as more let them do what they want in your life or in your business, more drivers will become. This is the topic of the article leadership and work in team are pro-active, takes the reins of your life first part, published on 09 April 2011, on the web site, which is my main blog. If you learn and apply this step in your business and in your life, you will see a difference from heaven to Earth, your life is going to change, you are going to be really the owner of your life, in your business, you will feel that all makes sense, will have a North, you’ll know where you’re going and this step is to be proactive, take charge of your business or your life in your hands and the decision to take full control your life or your business, because if you do, others will come and will do so. It is a fact: If you do not live your life, others will live your life. I.e., don’t have to wait until someone finds you, you you approach, which you ask Hello dear, how are you? and tell you that good that you are and show you the way to success, happiness, wealth, health and eternal youth. But you have to know very well and have very clear that is what you want from that life, what you want to do, what you want to be, what you want to have and operate in this direction to achieve everything you want to.

A very good friend of mine has a comparison to that circumstance which I like a lot and I’m going to share with you, if you want to: when you don’t have control in your life are like a boat pulled and released in a rough sea, at the mercy of the waves, which push you from here to there all the time, and you only respond when a wave pushes you in a certain direction. Practical exercise: 1. the decision to be pro-active, to take the reins of your life or your business. You have to feel that you are the owner, you are the master of your life and your business. It is a decision that will change your life forever.

2. It steers, understands and accepts that you control only your life and actually do it, but not to commit the terrible mistake of trying to control the lives of others, do not do, you can and you should control your life and not the lives of others. If you don’t understand that thing and trying to control people in your environment, you will have only problems and headaches and you were to ask because your life and/or your business is a disaster. 3 Meditates 10 minutes or more, every day on this issue, imagine yourself as the owner of your life or your business. 4 Be reactive when it is the case, when the situation requires it. In the end, leave me a comment on this article, your opinion matters me much. Thanks a lot. Toader Matei video free * to: how reprogram your mind to be the leader of Tu business multilevel Haza click and download it now!

Peruvian State

In this case for example purchases only the Peruvian State buys around 9000 000 000 million soles approximately, we can achieve savings of 25%, other countries buy 7000 000 000 million dollars and between all the entities of the State economy of scale they can obviously reduce costs and there is total transparency, there are security that whole issue of corruption could eliminate it have in Chile the savings estimated between 15 and 20% imagine how much money, in the world there are several countries that have been involved in this issue of e-Government as we say is find the efficiency of the State, security transparency and involve security and involves more citizen. We have the case of various levels you will have to pass through companies in the State, ministries to enter this theme: when to put a Web page or a website to give information to the citizen when they allow the citizen to interact with them putting data and looking for information Interacting, making transactions via the Web, such as payment of taxes or follow-up paperwork submitted or require documentation concerning their civil records pay them through the system and within 24 hours to receive it at home, that satisfied a customer would feel. Finally we have the integration, when State firms have been interconnected and relate to a citizen through a single portal. We also have the world that countries are implementing the theme of Egoverment, which have been also identified four levels: 1. the highest level where are the United States, Canada and Singapore which are innovative leaders, already have the scheme of management of the relationship with citizens, the service is the citizen, the citizen can interact with the Government entering a single portal. 2. Visionary supporters who have not reached the level of managing the relationship with citizens, but they are integrating are doing transactions. .

Brazilian Capital Money

Consequence of the accumulation of the Brazilian capital. Brazil, a nation or nation of one? Since the primrdios the man shows an ambition, while some worked and group in the hunting and the collection, others looked for to be distinguished in these alone activities, those that obtained some type of advantage finished being seen with ' ' melhor' '. With the time the rustic commercialization started, that is, in the base of the exchange, rocks for hen, shells for fish, being this one of the first vestiges of the capitalist system. With the feudalismo and its commercialization more sophisticated the currencies and letters of credit if they become used aspects each day more. A similarity of this everything is the fact to always exist a hierarchy, a member in which is representative of being able, for example: The king, the emperor, the president, fara, the chieftain However nor always the relation with the power represented wealth substance, some times the knowledge, the force, the blood, was things that kept this hierarchy. With the industrial Revolution the capitalist system being a system practically adopted universal, to have to be able today, means to possess corporeal properties in which it will bring profit very, that is, to be able = money. In Brazil, this wealth is not including, is few those that are ' ' ricos' ' , but these owners of ' ' much dinheiro' ' they look for to gain more money investing in corporeal properties, stock market, action, instead of investing in some things in which they will only have future answers, but that it will be the growth of the nation, as: to invest in the education of the public schools, instead of buying the car of the year, this would make with that the children were better professionals in the future. To invest in the incentive to the sport, instead of spending money with mansions, that is, to invest in productive things, and not in fteis corporeal properties.

United Kingdom

Although not emerging great innovations of financial institutions with problems in Europe, some already are rearranges to avoid suffering at the deterioration of the economic scenario. In this sense, both the British bank HSBC Holdings plc (LSE: HSBA, NYSE: HBC) as the Group banking and insurance belgo-Dutch Fortis, are reducing costs and increasing their liquidity. HSBC announced it would cut 1,100 jobs due to the financial crisis. Nearly half of the affected posts are in the United Kingdom, especially in the section of investment banking in London. The entity had announced last month that its half-year profits fell 28% to $10,200 million. Group banking and insurance belgo-Dutch Fortis announced that it will sell assets for up to 10,000 million euros.

The authorities denied any possibility of problems for the entity and explained: a bankruptcy of Fortis is not for anything topical. There is not the slightest risk that we have to deal with a problem of that type. Do you need Europe have a similar to the U.S. rescue plan.UU.? The first impression that exists is that not. While the crisis has hit the financial system in Europe and there will probably be entities that require cleaning their balance sheets to improve the quality of them, does not seem that a risk of crisis of the magnitude that is faced in the United States there is.UU. But arriving at this height of the circumstances, and against the prevailing uncertainty in markets, it would be convenient that unless European countries working on a contingency plan beyond that the probability of having to be used is minimal.

This suggestion has nothing more than a reason if you like psychological. Is that it would be highly valued by the market which would find peace of mind in knowing of the existence of a concrete plan of action where the situation from worsening. By way of example to understand the importance of this kind of signals to the market, it is worth remembering that Henry Paulson said, while Lehman Brothers (NYSE:LEH), the American Government had not fell thought continue using money from families in more bailouts of entities. Knowing that the risk before any inconvenience was very high, put in jeopardy all the American financial system. I understand therefore, that European countries should send reassuring signals to the market through the elaboration of contingency plans. Meanwhile, since monetary institutions in Europe, with the ECB and the Bank of England to head, working to provide all the liquidity that the market requires to eliminate any kind of tensions that may arise, while awaiting a nod from the United States.UU. with the approval of the mega rescue.

The Argentine

With this attitude, when maintaining the uncertainty in the economic context, causes that the families do not wish to consume and prefer to save to be prepared before a possible worsening of the situation. It is very difficult to think that the Argentine family average thinks at the moment about get into debt itself to acquire 0km, when the economy has decelerated, unemployment is increased, and the economic context sample disagreement signs. Also it is difficult to think that a company (a SME for example), is decided to invest by more loss than outside the rate, when the perspective ones on the evolution of their activity are negative (and if they were positive, the uncertainty of the awaited yield product of the fragility of the game rules, does that the required return in order to decide to invest too much it is elevated). The perception that exists is that the priority of the government would have to happen to fortify the macroeconomic scene, looking for to generate stability and transparency for that way, giving security to the deprived sector, the plan of economic stimulus can win in effectiveness. Paralelamente, and in which it seems to be an additional measurement, although not declared, while the plan begins to take form concerning small letter, the quote of the dollar in Argentina continues in ascent and it is already located in $ 3,46. The depreciation of the Argentine peso was a measurement widely demanded by the Argentine industrial sector, before of the deterioration observed by the type of real par in the last time product of the inflationary acceleration that had gotten to surpass inter-annual 30% (although in the last months it would decelerate strongly by the fall in the external inflationary pressures and the strong retraction of the local demand).

Against this background, the depreciation of the Argentine peso, protects (to less partly), to the local transable sector of the external competition (increased by the crisis), although probably it does not generate a significant impact in the exports given the gotten depressed thing of the external demand. The weakness as much of the external demand as internal, gives tranquillity of which the depreciation observed in the type of change is not transferred prices. The Argentine government continues proving different formulas to avoid the economic deterioration, which has been beginning for already several months and not as a result of the international crisis. How much he will take in recognizing his own errors and doing to him against the true problems of the Argentine economy?

Integrata Annual General Meeting

With growth in sales and EBIT of Qualifizierungsdienstleister of the Stuttgart euro crisis defies, 18.06.2012 – Integrata AG could put forward again a positive financial statements at their annual general meeting on May 31, 2013 in the Frankfurt Messeturm. The participants of the meeting of shareholders approved all resolutions. In his opening speech, said Gerhard Wachter, Board member and COO of Integrata AG, about the strategic development of Integrata Aktiengesellschaft and introduced more market perspectives for the German market of qualifications. Following Dr. Andreas Dahmen, announced Board of Directors, finance and Administration (CFO) of Integrata AG, the official figures for 2012 and commented on the results: the consistent continuation of our chosen strategy has proved itself for the fourth time in a row. Despite the subdued economic conditions it was possible to pursue the sustainable development of our main business areas and to complete the year 2012 with a plus in sales and EBIT us”. Integrata ended the fiscal year 2012 with sales 41.1 million (2011: 40.1 million), which corresponds to a sales increase of 2.5 percent. The EBIT amounted to 2.3 million (2011: 2.2 million).

Despite the difficult economic conditions, you could once again exceeded expectations. The manufacturer-independent Qualifizierungsdienstleister generated a profit after tax of 1.5 million (1.3 million in 2011). Ingmar J. Rath, CEO of Integrata AG, confirmed the continuation of the established measures for the current year with the aim to ensure a continued steady growth. In a short Outlook, he presented the development planned for this year and the goals of the company. At the end of the event, the shareholders approved the profit using decision, which provides for a dividend of 0.85 per dividend-entitled share. Integrata AG the Integrata AG is the leading, vendor-independent training partners in the fields of IT/SAP, Germany Human resources / organizational development and new media.

The approach is focused on the value chain training and ranges from consulting, analysis and strategy, organisation and implementation to ensure the sustainability. Thus, Integrata in addition to the presence training offers all innovative forms of learning. With more than 1,300 topics and the constant development, the Integrata AG is for their customers at the pulse of time. 1,300 Speakers, qualified according to global standards, ensure the success of all measures and 15 locations guarantee short distances. The Integrata-includes the implementation of open and in-house seminars and training projects managed training services at national and international level. Press contact: Beatrice guardian-Nigl (spokeswoman) Danny Klein (press officer) Integrata AG Zettachring 4 70567 Stuttgart Tel. + 49 711 62010-269 fax + 49 711 62010-172 mobile + 49 160 94412575

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Israel reported no casualties or injured, but Syrian television speaks of, at least a dozen dead and more than 225 demonstrators wounded. Hundreds of people gathered at the border in commemoration of the Naksa, the Arab defeat in the 1967 six-day war. Netanyahu instructed security forces to act with the necessary firmness to a massive influx of demonstrators. The israeli army opened fire on dozens of protesters in Syria who tried to enter territory controlled by Israel on the Golan Heights, a military spokesman confirmed. Despite the numerous verbal warnings and firing into the air, dozens of Syrians continued arriving at the border and the israeli army forces had no choice but to shoot at the feet of demonstrators to deter other actions, noted the spokesman. The army Office of information not reported by the time of the existence of fatalities or injuries, although the Syrian State television announced the death of 13 demonstrators and that other 225 were injured by Israeli gunfire. Celebration of the Naksa hundreds of people gathered this morning in the so-called hill of shouts, next to the Druze village of Majdal Shams, in commemoration of the Naksa, defeat Arab in the 1967 six-day war.

Numerous ctive of the israeli army are stationed in the border area, with an advance team of snipers who have prevented the protesters cross into no man’s land. Al Jazeera television images showed dozens of protesters with Palestinian and Syrian flags over the same fence and 200 metres to hundreds of people, they shout the Golan is Arab or Viva Bashar Al-Assad. Events during the israeli army Palestinian Nakba, which is in State of alert, has strengthened its ctive along its borders to avoid a repetition of the events of last May 15, when about 180 protesters entered its territory during the Palestinian commemoration of the Nakba (catastrophe in Arabic, date in which recall the creation in 1948 of the State of Israel). Fifteen people were killed on that day, ten of them in the border with Lebanon, four in the Golan and another on the northern border of the Gaza Strip. Propalestinos groups had called similar acts for this Sunday, but the Palestinian nationalist movement Fatah in the Lebanon ended the call at the last minute out of respect for the wishes of the Beirut Government and replaced the marches to the border by demonstrations in Palestinian refugee camps. Also have been convened in the West Bank, which will depart from the Centre of the cities of Ramallah, Bethlehem and Tulkarem to March towards checkpoints Israeli military, and demonstrations in the Gaza Strip. At the military checkpoint of Kalandia, close to Ramallah, about 150 Palestinians have gathered even though there have been no clashes with Israeli soldiers. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said this week have been given to the security forces clear instructions to act with restraint, but firmly enough before a massive arrival possible protesters. Source of the news: the israeli army opened fire against demonstrators in the Golan Heights, on the border with Syria

Plastic Waste

On December 27, has been published in the official bulletin of Cantabria Cantabria 11/2010 law, of 23 December, on fiscal measures and financial content which, from the fiscal point of view introduces the following new features: tax on single-use plastic bags. With effect from January 1, 2011, creates this new tax, whose main characteristics are the following: object, nature, and purpose. It is a tribute of the autonomous community of Cantabria of indirect and real nature, whose objective is to reduce the use of plastic bags from one use only, in order to reduce pollution which generate and contribute to the protection of the environment. Scope of application. The tax will apply within the territorial scope of the autonomous community of Cantabria. Made taxable.

The supply to consumers of plastic bags for single use only in the points of sale of articles or products. The law defines single use plastic bags as those made with this material, delivered to consumers at the point of sale and designed to facilitate the transport of the products purchased. Exemptions.Shall be exempt from tax the supply of the following plastic bags:-plastic bags exclusively used to contain the following products, provided that they were not previously packaged: fruits, vegetables, vegetables and tubers meats and offal, products and processed meat products, eggs, birds, rabbits farm, hunting and products derived from the same fish and other products of fishing and aquaculture and snails bread, patisserie, confectionery and similar, and milk and dairy foods cooked hot and cold frozen foods – those supplied by commercial establishments engaged in retailing whose holders are given exclusively in any of the headings of the 64 grouping – trade to the retail of food products, beverages and tobacco carried out in establishments Permanent IAE, with the exception of: the headings covered by the Group 645 – trade to the wines and beverages of all kinds-646 group – retail trade to the retail tobacco and articles of headings smoker work: 647.3: trade to the by less than any kind of food products and beverages on a self-service basis or joint in superservicesso called when the surface of your showroom halle range between 120 and 399 square meters.

Sebastian Kohlstetter

An adept opinion of value can be created by an expert also, for a small fee. Another point remains on the list of jobs that a broker typically done: inspection of real estate with the prospective buyers. That assumes the seller itself fixed price model. He knows his real estate inside and out, white the infrastructure on the ground to cover that he knows the neighbors and can be equal to tips for the best restaurant out of place. While he receives an impression vice versa from the buyers who have to do otherwise almost exclusively with the broker. So the seller invests his time also in potential buyers, already the selection meets Kohlstetter real estate in advance. This resolved important details, such as the budget of the buyer and financing issues. Real estate tourists”who only just want to look at and are not really interested in a purchase will be through the experience of the Real estate agent analyses.

In principle, the fixed price model can be described as a kind of Division of labor. Everyone does what he can do best. The buyer pays no Commission for the fixed price model. That prospect alone attracts more buyers and the sales time can be significantly reduced. So, both parties come quickly to the desired result. Alternatively, customers can choose of course the standard Commission model. Here, the buyer shall bear the usual agency fee amounting to 3.57% incl. VAT from the notarial purchase price.

For the seller, the broker service is Commission-free. The rental of real estate and rentals is also capitalized at Kohlstetter real estate. Comprehensive service packages also offer advantages for the customers. Detailed information about the extensive brokerage services can be found at and. Boblingen successfully marketed property in Tubingen and the surrounding region of Stuttgart, Reutlingen, Kohlstetter real estate. Business owners, Sebastian Kohlstetter, real estate businessman (IHK) and real estate managers (AWI), is the contact point for all questions relating to the sale or rental of real estate and cooperates with regional experts and experts. His experience in the real estate industry, constant focus on the progress and a good deal of individuality, promise holistic service in terms of Immobilenwirtschaft. Kohlstetter real estate offers professional guidance through all stages of the sales process and is at any time advise you to the page. Registered office of the company is the beautiful university town of Tubingen.

Production Systems

The Elimination of the Lean Manufacturing moults has identified 7 waste or moults. The Lean Manufacturing building can only be developed if its base is constructed first. Without using a very flexible and modular system that allows the removal of the seedlings and the implementation of Kaizen skills at the factory, it is impossible to foresee the later stages of the Lean Manufacturing which are the standardization of the work, the sequencing (Heijunka) and, later, the JIT and the JIDOKA. The systematic use of tubular systems acts as a catalyst for the policy of reducing waste and as a tool for implementation of Kaizen attitudes, continuous improvement. The Muda of treatment using small boxes of front provisioning allows you to reduce the length of the line, source of saving overhead costs and reducing costs and driving times. The moult of the rejections rejections generate costs and loss of time for the company, require the implementation of a system of touch-ups particularly unproductive.

Rid of waste is even more expensive. The disposal of waste passes do not generate them. Which means that it should create an environment and an adapted ergonomics: parts and tools in place, within the immediate reach of the operations. This reduces the risks of strokes, falls and manufacturing defects. Structures with tubular systems custom design allows a limitation of the volume of generated waste and natural and evolutionary management of residual waste. The moult of displacement displacement and useless movements at the workplace do not create any added value.

On the contrary, they increase the difficulties of the work and consume space. Tubular systems, modular architecture allows the configuration of jobs that enable the taking of parts as closely as possible in the hands of the operator. This helps reduce the non value added generated by useless movements. Increases operator productivity, decrease the difficulties of work: the operator activity focuses on productive tasks.

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