Sustainable afforestation Landlust friends always popular ForestFinance provides special eco gifts for land lovers: the BaumSparVertrag and the GeschenkBaum. The two eco gifts ideas give children from the outset, as sustainable values arise and vividly illustrate the role of the rainforest for the global climate and species preservation. The GeschenkBaum plants and maintains ForestFinance for a one-off payment of 60 EUR in Panama. The income credited to the recipient after the harvest. The recipient receives an individual certificate in an elegant wooden box with rosewood key chain, making the gift especially exclusive acts. The BaumSparVertrag plants ForestFinance a tropical tree for 33 euros every month and maintains them for 25 years until the harvest. Then the recipient receives the proceeds, which forecast makes more than the 8 times the deposited amount. A piece of Landlust – eco-friendly, sustainable and also lucrative for the recipient.
The ideal eco gift, for example, to the birth, baptism, Investments in education are confirmation – ecologically-generated income of BaumSparVertrages easier to cope with travel or your own four walls. The now completed over 10,000 BaumSparVertrage, shows the popularity of this sustainable product. Love of country and the dream of their own forest: Who really wants to live out his love of country and the dream of their own forest, for the WaldSparBuch or WoodStockInvest is the right product. The WaldSparBuch has at least 1000 m2 forest with a buy-back guarantee, at WoodStockInvest you can buy a hectare afforested and certified forest. All investment products, no further costs after purchase and can even visit the own forests in Panama. Click Daniel Gilbert to learn more. Landlust pur. Investment in the ecological afforestation of timber are not only financially lucrative, but also have a sustainable positive effect for the environment and climate.
The forests of ForestFinance are tropical forests and are managed and replanted in certified forestry. Up to 60 different tree and Plant species form a new species-rich mixed forests permanently, because no clear-cutting is operated during the harvest after 25 years. This forest meets important ecological functions such as water and soil conservation and serves as a Habitat for endangered animals and plants. The forests absorb in addition harmful carbon dioxide emissions as CO2 storage. In addition, sustainable jobs in underdeveloped regions are created through the afforestation. ForestFinance – success for man and nature: the ForestFinance specializes in forest investments group, the lucrative return link to environmental and social sustainability. Customers can choose between several products of certified sustainable tropical forestry. CacaoInvest offers the possibility of a separate bio cocoa Plantation next to Woods. Already incurred annual distributions from the second year. A fire insurance policy for the risky first years of growth, as well as five percent safety areas for all products contribute to the additional protection of investors.