On Writing Examinations

For the newly formed student control work, in contrast to presentations is not the first time. This is a standard way to control the learning objects, which made both in schools and in universities. The difference between the control and other work university types of written works is that the abstract, a diploma and course work are scientific ways to assess knowledge gained. By checking the abstract or coursework teacher evaluates not only acquired student knowledge on this subject, but also the independence of his thinking, reasoning, ability to work with sources, as well as the ability to properly organize scientific text. When a student performs monitoring work, his task much easier. Control work – this is not a scientific work, even in the broadest sense of the word.

It is the student's report about how he learned the required material for any topic. In Institute distinguish the following types of examinations: classroom, which are carried out in class in the presence of professors, and home control works, give them home for a limited time, current, and their task is a test of knowledge and skills on the previous traversed subject, and examination, which is considered the final score; front, which serves the entire group and solo work that write individual students. On distance learning examinations – it is the only form of control of knowledge. Writing of examinations by students of the correspondence department different from writing examinations students. First of all, correspondence students can choose subjects of personal control work on the proposed list to the teacher. In addition, the writing of such a control over the work looks like writing an essay, that is looking for a suitable for disclosure topics literature, take notes or outline, a plan formed the control work, and then, in written plan, the written text of the control work. The size of the control work should not exceed ten printed pages of text. There are certain standards to the design: the title page and comprehensive plan.

It is also ranked among the parameters for estimating the content of work, the condition is no good estimate of the gross violations of registration and sufficient degree of disclosure controls subjects. Quite naturally, the control work will not be assessed if the teacher notices that it is literally copied from the literature. A competent presentation of educational material in their own words quite acceptable. "Athena-service" will produce custom control works very different topics on a variety of disciplines.

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