In this case for example purchases only the Peruvian State buys around 9000 000 000 million soles approximately, we can achieve savings of 25%, other countries buy 7000 000 000 million dollars and between all the entities of the State economy of scale they can obviously reduce costs and there is total transparency, there are security that whole issue of corruption could eliminate it have in Chile the savings estimated between 15 and 20% imagine how much money, in the world there are several countries that have been involved in this issue of e-Government as we say is find the efficiency of the State, security transparency and involve security and involves more citizen. We have the case of various levels you will have to pass through companies in the State, ministries to enter this theme: when to put a Web page or a website to give information to the citizen when they allow the citizen to interact with them putting data and looking for information Interacting, making transactions via the Web, such as payment of taxes or follow-up paperwork submitted or require documentation concerning their civil records pay them through the system and within 24 hours to receive it at home, that satisfied a customer would feel. Finally we have the integration, when State firms have been interconnected and relate to a citizen through a single portal. We also have the world that countries are implementing the theme of Egoverment, which have been also identified four levels: 1. the highest level where are the United States, Canada and Singapore which are innovative leaders, already have the scheme of management of the relationship with citizens, the service is the citizen, the citizen can interact with the Government entering a single portal. 2. Visionary supporters who have not reached the level of managing the relationship with citizens, but they are integrating are doing transactions. .
Month: February 2016
Brazilian Capital Money
Consequence of the accumulation of the Brazilian capital. Brazil, a nation or nation of one? Since the primrdios the man shows an ambition, while some worked and group in the hunting and the collection, others looked for to be distinguished in these alone activities, those that obtained some type of advantage finished being seen with ' ' melhor' '. With the time the rustic commercialization started, that is, in the base of the exchange, rocks for hen, shells for fish, being this one of the first vestiges of the capitalist system. With the feudalismo and its commercialization more sophisticated the currencies and letters of credit if they become used aspects each day more. A similarity of this everything is the fact to always exist a hierarchy, a member in which is representative of being able, for example: The king, the emperor, the president, fara, the chieftain However nor always the relation with the power represented wealth substance, some times the knowledge, the force, the blood, was things that kept this hierarchy. With the industrial Revolution the capitalist system being a system practically adopted universal, to have to be able today, means to possess corporeal properties in which it will bring profit very, that is, to be able = money. In Brazil, this wealth is not including, is few those that are ' ' ricos' ' , but these owners of ' ' much dinheiro' ' they look for to gain more money investing in corporeal properties, stock market, action, instead of investing in some things in which they will only have future answers, but that it will be the growth of the nation, as: to invest in the education of the public schools, instead of buying the car of the year, this would make with that the children were better professionals in the future. To invest in the incentive to the sport, instead of spending money with mansions, that is, to invest in productive things, and not in fteis corporeal properties.
United Kingdom
Although not emerging great innovations of financial institutions with problems in Europe, some already are rearranges to avoid suffering at the deterioration of the economic scenario. In this sense, both the British bank HSBC Holdings plc (LSE: HSBA, NYSE: HBC) as the Group banking and insurance belgo-Dutch Fortis, are reducing costs and increasing their liquidity. HSBC announced it would cut 1,100 jobs due to the financial crisis. Nearly half of the affected posts are in the United Kingdom, especially in the section of investment banking in London. The entity had announced last month that its half-year profits fell 28% to $10,200 million. Group banking and insurance belgo-Dutch Fortis announced that it will sell assets for up to 10,000 million euros.
The authorities denied any possibility of problems for the entity and explained: a bankruptcy of Fortis is not for anything topical. There is not the slightest risk that we have to deal with a problem of that type. Do you need Europe have a similar to the U.S. rescue plan.UU.? The first impression that exists is that not. While the crisis has hit the financial system in Europe and there will probably be entities that require cleaning their balance sheets to improve the quality of them, does not seem that a risk of crisis of the magnitude that is faced in the United States there is.UU. But arriving at this height of the circumstances, and against the prevailing uncertainty in markets, it would be convenient that unless European countries working on a contingency plan beyond that the probability of having to be used is minimal.
This suggestion has nothing more than a reason if you like psychological. Is that it would be highly valued by the market which would find peace of mind in knowing of the existence of a concrete plan of action where the situation from worsening. By way of example to understand the importance of this kind of signals to the market, it is worth remembering that Henry Paulson said, while Lehman Brothers (NYSE:LEH), the American Government had not fell thought continue using money from families in more bailouts of entities. Knowing that the risk before any inconvenience was very high, put in jeopardy all the American financial system. I understand therefore, that European countries should send reassuring signals to the market through the elaboration of contingency plans. Meanwhile, since monetary institutions in Europe, with the ECB and the Bank of England to head, working to provide all the liquidity that the market requires to eliminate any kind of tensions that may arise, while awaiting a nod from the United States.UU. with the approval of the mega rescue.