The Argentine

With this attitude, when maintaining the uncertainty in the economic context, causes that the families do not wish to consume and prefer to save to be prepared before a possible worsening of the situation. It is very difficult to think that the Argentine family average thinks at the moment about get into debt itself to acquire 0km, when the economy has decelerated, unemployment is increased, and the economic context sample disagreement signs. Also it is difficult to think that a company (a SME for example), is decided to invest by more loss than outside the rate, when the perspective ones on the evolution of their activity are negative (and if they were positive, the uncertainty of the awaited yield product of the fragility of the game rules, does that the required return in order to decide to invest too much it is elevated). The perception that exists is that the priority of the government would have to happen to fortify the macroeconomic scene, looking for to generate stability and transparency for that way, giving security to the deprived sector, the plan of economic stimulus can win in effectiveness. Paralelamente, and in which it seems to be an additional measurement, although not declared, while the plan begins to take form concerning small letter, the quote of the dollar in Argentina continues in ascent and it is already located in $ 3,46. The depreciation of the Argentine peso was a measurement widely demanded by the Argentine industrial sector, before of the deterioration observed by the type of real par in the last time product of the inflationary acceleration that had gotten to surpass inter-annual 30% (although in the last months it would decelerate strongly by the fall in the external inflationary pressures and the strong retraction of the local demand).

Against this background, the depreciation of the Argentine peso, protects (to less partly), to the local transable sector of the external competition (increased by the crisis), although probably it does not generate a significant impact in the exports given the gotten depressed thing of the external demand. The weakness as much of the external demand as internal, gives tranquillity of which the depreciation observed in the type of change is not transferred prices. The Argentine government continues proving different formulas to avoid the economic deterioration, which has been beginning for already several months and not as a result of the international crisis. How much he will take in recognizing his own errors and doing to him against the true problems of the Argentine economy?

Integrata Annual General Meeting

With growth in sales and EBIT of Qualifizierungsdienstleister of the Stuttgart euro crisis defies, 18.06.2012 – Integrata AG could put forward again a positive financial statements at their annual general meeting on May 31, 2013 in the Frankfurt Messeturm. The participants of the meeting of shareholders approved all resolutions. In his opening speech, said Gerhard Wachter, Board member and COO of Integrata AG, about the strategic development of Integrata Aktiengesellschaft and introduced more market perspectives for the German market of qualifications. Following Dr. Andreas Dahmen, announced Board of Directors, finance and Administration (CFO) of Integrata AG, the official figures for 2012 and commented on the results: the consistent continuation of our chosen strategy has proved itself for the fourth time in a row. Despite the subdued economic conditions it was possible to pursue the sustainable development of our main business areas and to complete the year 2012 with a plus in sales and EBIT us”. Integrata ended the fiscal year 2012 with sales 41.1 million (2011: 40.1 million), which corresponds to a sales increase of 2.5 percent. The EBIT amounted to 2.3 million (2011: 2.2 million).

Despite the difficult economic conditions, you could once again exceeded expectations. The manufacturer-independent Qualifizierungsdienstleister generated a profit after tax of 1.5 million (1.3 million in 2011). Ingmar J. Rath, CEO of Integrata AG, confirmed the continuation of the established measures for the current year with the aim to ensure a continued steady growth. In a short Outlook, he presented the development planned for this year and the goals of the company. At the end of the event, the shareholders approved the profit using decision, which provides for a dividend of 0.85 per dividend-entitled share. Integrata AG the Integrata AG is the leading, vendor-independent training partners in the fields of IT/SAP, Germany Human resources / organizational development and new media.

The approach is focused on the value chain training and ranges from consulting, analysis and strategy, organisation and implementation to ensure the sustainability. Thus, Integrata in addition to the presence training offers all innovative forms of learning. With more than 1,300 topics and the constant development, the Integrata AG is for their customers at the pulse of time. 1,300 Speakers, qualified according to global standards, ensure the success of all measures and 15 locations guarantee short distances. The Integrata-includes the implementation of open and in-house seminars and training projects managed training services at national and international level. Press contact: Beatrice guardian-Nigl (spokeswoman) Danny Klein (press officer) Integrata AG Zettachring 4 70567 Stuttgart Tel. + 49 711 62010-269 fax + 49 711 62010-172 mobile + 49 160 94412575