The Author

After privatization, this apartment is also communal. Sold, in most cases, not in a communal room, and shares in the ownership of a single apartment, the procedure for using rooms which the agreement between co-owners or by the court. No real estate agency does not warn that after the sale of shares previously placed order to use a particular room is not preserved. This means that the neighbor co-owner may apply for another order to use the apartment, such as the use of ‘Sold’ to the new buyer of his room instead. There are other disputes between the parties share ownership, in particular for compensation for the disproportionate share of occupied rooms belonging. Transformation of the same ordinary apartment into communal serving jurisprudence hardly admits.

On the eviction and the extract so far a very common misconception that if the owner filed a claim on your eviction, loss of your right to housing or discharge (removal from register), the court shall specify the address where he evicts you. If you have other housing and, accordingly, no address, then he had no right to evict you. Requirements for the indication in the decision to evict any new address of residence there. Be spelled anywhere – this is not the property of the citizen. Court evicts former members of the family of the owner, the persons who occupied residential samoupravno room and most other categories of persons without the provision of a dwelling.

About a bona fide purchaser is a misconception that a ‘bona fide purchaser’ is impossible to select an apartment and return to the present owner. The law states that if the apartment has been stolen, for example, by forgery, it can be in court to demand not only from the kidnapper, but also the subsequent bona fide purchaser, regardless of how many times the house was resold. Distributed freely provided the author and proper attribution.