Most markets are becoming more demanding in the environmental field and a company can lose more by their vilification than by the payment of the fine. There must be an identification of the company with its social responsibility towards the conservation of the environment, the preservation of everything that can deteriorate the environment where it operates. You must highlight competitive advantages, everything that in addition to satisfying the needs of consumers does not pollute the environment, all this in order to successfully venture into foreign markets. Hence, that will discuss, the relative importance of a single determining factor or set of factors, will differ from one industry to another. In particular, the relative importance of the different determinants will be linked to the key competitive variables of the industry. Taken into account, that expertise in marketing is critical in packaged for consumption goods, many services and fashion-related industries. Competitiveness in these industries usually depends on the presence of a demanding domestic market demand. A cheap workforce is essential in personnel-intensive industries, such as low-priced clothing and footwear industries segments.
Competitiveness in these industries depends on the presence of cheap labor and certain level of infrastructure development. Which depend on technological development as the air space, advanced electronics and computer programs. Competitiveness in these industries depends on people with a high level of instruction and training, an exacting demand, the presence of related technologies and business strategies based on the research. Indicates, that in general, while more advanced technology or shorter product life cycle, most important is counting with favorable conditions on all the determinants. In industries that are at a late stage of the life cycle of the product, demand can be equally demanding in a number of countries and the technology is often widely available. In these conditions, the advantages in a subset of determinants can produce success in international competition.