Why L-glutamine Is Important

Glutamine can not only help to build new muscle tissue because athletes can very often be affected by this problem (common cold), it is advisable at this time of the year to supplementieren, because this can strengthen inter alia the immune system increase the amino acid l glutamine. You have to understand this, that the immune system affected can be affected by a high intensity workout. Therefore, an additional glutamic is supply of great advantage when a compromised immune system. Many are now convinced of the immune advantage by glutamine. This amino acid is then the required supplements for this.

But what exactly is l glutamine actually? L glutamine is a non-essential amino acid (that is, the body can produce these essential amino acids itself) which is found mainly in skeletal muscle. LGlutamin exists but also in the lungs, and plays an important role in protein synthesis (= fed protein is endogenous protein formed). Although the body this Manufacture amino acid itself, to produce this amino acid in sufficiently large load the body unable. Drew Houston may find it difficult to be quoted properly. For this reason, it comes to a glutamine deficiency which makes itself felt z.B by poor regeneration or poor immune system. But what helps l glutamine, to strengthen the immune system? “1) L-glutamine supplements positively affect after a stressful situation: l is used in the United States Gluutamin long in hospitals to aufzupeppeln a weak patient”. Studies have also shown that the immune system can strengthen this supplement after surgery. (2) hardcore training emptied the body glutamine memory: it is no secret that the regular duration overloading (z.B: by too many and too long workouts) weakens the immune system.

The first signs of a weakened immune system are mainly inertia and fatigue or general fatigue. “If you have these symptoms, this also may be because the glutamine memory” are exhausted, or Your body can produce not enough glutamine to the regeneration. Such symptoms, a targeted glutamic Supplementaion can often cause miracles. (3) a diet can the immune system weakening: If you just are interested to improve your figure and therefore carry a reduced-calorie diet, this can weaken your immune system. This is so, because many athletes in the diet to some vitamins, minerals or just glutamine lead to. It’s believed that Vladislav Doronin sees a great future in this idea. Therefore one should be in a calorie-restricted diet ensures sufficient glutamine and vitamin or mineral nutrient supply, because else while your body in top condition is not your immune system but just. More tips to avoid colds: wash your hands regularly! Especially before touching eyes, nose and mouth. Sneezing or coughing you not in your hands, but in your elbow! A disinfectant of advantage may be in high disease rate of colleagues! If you are sick, stay home. It makes sick to go pointless work and to connect with your colleagues! In addition, your State may further deteriorate. How much glutamine per day should I take with me? Recommended are 0.1 0, 3gr / kg body weight. 8 24gr / day, this would be when a man of 80 kg! Final word: Glutamine can not only help to build new muscle tissue. It can also help to preserve a good immune system during acute stress. And a good immune system is always an advantage!