The Calendar

Onosso calendar has days to homage the people who in the past fizeramalgum act of love for the native land, and days of homage also for the people dasociedade. Tiradentes, the great one mrtir has its day of homage for its act of love to the native land. Diada child, them is angels and deserves homage. Osnamorados also has its day. Funcionriospblicos, that is the gears of the country.

Diado work to homage the worker who honors its life working to paraviver. Diado professor, those that take all for the top of the recognized knowledge and nor sempreso with the deserved value. Diados parents, that one that structure the family with all wisdom and vigor. Diadas mothers, the love purer than can exist. The day of the native land, to commemorate our freedom. many others as many days and dates special.

Epor that not to create in the calendar the day of the corruption and to offer it the corrupt ones to it? Homaging it does not stop them, corrupt it does not need homages and it would honor. Elesdeveriam if to bend ahead of the nation, ashamed for as much criancinhasfamintas and sick people, to the wait of remaining portions and crumbs to saciar the cruel hunger and asmuitas times until lethal. Secriarem the day of the corruption, who knows the corrupt ones can see the badness quecausam the nation? It wounds the brightness of the people. The man has that to have dignity and serhonesto. In the bible he is written that we have that to eat bread with the sweat of nossorosto, that is, to make for deserving. The corruption that them of the stewardship are osofrimento of the next one and the evil that it cause does not have dimension. Ours bandeiraest spotted, and exactly for that they would have to honor our colors, masao opposite of this, they dresses its tender fine ones and surrupiam all riquezanacional. This necessary illness to be cured so that the nation is happy. It loves onosso Brazil and it honors our native land. The man does not need to be great in being able, ahonestidade is that he must prevail.