Sigmund Freud

-, that is not but that the curative power by means of the regression of the patients to previous lives. This is obtained by means of the hipnotismo. For the Dr. Weis, the life of a human being, does not finish with the death. – The death is only the passage of the SOUL to future lives, like all we have had hundreds of lives before being born.

– What we do in our lives, – it will influence ours future reincarnations, – throughout the way of evolution towards immortality. The majority of their patients finds solutions to their physical problems, including the cancer or other diseases, once they manage to see what they have happened in his previous lives. Of this form, their lives are transformed deeply, and find but peace, but happiness and solutions to problems., physical as as much mental. According to the Dr. Weiss, we evolved constantly by all the eternity.

Our souls never die, simply happen from a life to another one. During its therapy, when the person enters deep state of hipnotismo, a begins to count of its previous lives. Some as distant as hundreds of years before Christ. They describe with amazing presicion the previous lives that had taken at that time. To transported or realised regressions to thousands of patients. Some of them, during one regression, begins to speak languages that have not heard nor studied never. – Languages, inclusively, of thousands of years before Christ. – Places with an exceptional exactitude Describe, although never they have so at least read on these different places. – According to the philosophy of the Dr. Weiss, all we are immortal, and the important part but of the human being is the SOUL. -, which lives eternally. – This is very similar to the affirmation of Sigmund Freud of which the mind works in two levels. Conscious and the Unconscious one, and the unconscious one is indeed the SOUL. – For the Dr. Weiss, all we own a soul that exists after the death of the physical body, and that time and time again returns in other bodies in a progressive attempt to reach a plane superior. – Some of their patients have happened through many different lives, – from a Japanese soldier of itself the XV, a boy living in France during the time of Napolen, – a mother mistreated by their husband at the time of the slavery in EE.UU., – and so on, – a patient can have happened through hundreds of lives., as well as seguira happening to future lives. Hundreds of therapists have recorded thousand of sessions on patients having described passed lives, and the majority of the experiences of their patients has been verified and verified, concluding that what says these patients under the hypnotic state, they are precise information that to the fantasy or false memory cannot be attributed. – For the Dr. Weiss, our souls have happened through many lives before being born, and will return to pass a other lives, after the death. That is ours ” inmortalidad”.


The competition of more important basketball concerning clubs of Europe has begun, 24 clubs European grouped in 4 groups will be moderate among them to arrive at End Four Berlin. Click Stanley A. McChrystal to learn more. The league that more equipment contributes is the Spanish with five, followed of the Italian with 4 and the adriticas leagues and Greek with 3 each. This year the competition changes of format and the regular league happens to have 8 teams in three groups to 6 equipment in four groups and to classify for top16 four equipment instead of six. Top 16 follows like previous years, 4 equipment by group, classify for play off both better. Play off also undergoes modifications and happen to dispute itself to best of the five parties instead of a best one to three parties.

Barcelona, Madrid, Siena, Tau Vitoria, Panathinaikos, Olympiacos, CSKA and Maccabi are the maximum favorites to go Berlin, a step underneath we found Unicaja, DKV Joventut, Zalguiris and Efes Pilsen. The other equipment will try to demonstrate that they also are deserving to obtain at least to one place in play off. maximum sense of expectancy in the beginning of the competition has taken the Olympiacos to it, thanks to his signing it stars coming from the Atlanta Hawks, Josh Childress, besides filing to Theodoros Papaloukas of the CSKA of Moscow and to Nicola Vujcic of the Maccabi Tel Aviv, demonstrating the economic power of that club. Other interesting signings a priori have been the realised one by Panathinaikos fichando to Nikola Pekovic, player who blunted the year last in the rows of the Partizan of Belgrade, the signings of Navarrese Andersen and coming from the CSKA Moscow and Memphis respectively to Barcelona, the one of Massey fichado to the Aris on the part of Madrid, Carlos Stream that leaves Orlando in order to play with the Maccabi Tel Aviv and Planic that the city of Vitoria by the one of Moscow changes. Aside from already mentioned Josh Childress, Carlos Navarrese Stream and, also has decided to change of airs and to go of the NBA to the Euroleague, the following players: Andre procendente Barrett from Los Angeles Clippers to Barcelona, Casey Jacobsen from the Membhis to Berlin and Primoz Brezec from Toronto to Rome. Like data Brandom curia Jennings has decided to go to play with Rome instead of to play its university stage. Original author and source of the article..

Creating Our Universe

The majority of the people we have desires, I put and objectives in our life but could happen that the manifestation of all those desires not yet appears, to obtain goals is necessary much desire and persistence, although we must start off of a totally essential point as Andrew Corentt in the book is mentioned the Secret of the Power of Metas and is to accept our creative responsibility. What is this? , the creative responsibility says well to us that we created the universe and all the circumstances that we observed in our life, this happens through being able of the subconscious mind, for the majority of the people this idea is to them outside logic, but the certain thing is that many tests that the form in which are present at the information of the equipment, to the colors, the armchairs, etc. say to us that each person creates her own life, by all means that are spiritual agreements to perceive things of very similar way, for example if 40.000 people attend to see a party, appear of quite similar form but nonequal, which happens here is that exist there are 40,000 universes, or he is every one is creating its own universe with spiritual information powerful. Now we think about the personal profits and in the life styles, we watch as people have tendency to create problems, or to create wealth, or to generate opportunities in its life, each circumstance happens by the form in which we programmed information in our life, if in fact tenth us continuously that we are healthful we will indicate that belief, which we watched, we touched, we spoke and we thought is creating our own universe, for example we see people who show that they do not create in ghosts and they are arranged to pay money if somebody the sample, the answer is logical will watch never them because nobody can see what it does not create at subconscious level.

The Contact

All the history turns around 2 people who fall in love the one with the other almost at first sight and must happen through tests to be able to be together. As one comments, the author is able to enter to us in mysterious terrible rites and initiatory tests making us also include/understand the dangers that the contact with an organization involves hide regressive, that it can take to the annihilation. To sum up, a work that at the same time as it recreates leaves a coefficient of healthy education In the personnel, I read the first time to the twenty years of age and its content for that then woke up mainly in my much interest, which can be obtained when there is identification, union and communication when to share the life, guaranteeing itself in which the classic esoterismo bequeaths to us for our growth. In that then ones hardly it was touching to the door than the spiritual demand and forces to fulfill while permaneceos in this dimension, in the form of how to tolerate to us, to identify everything what with the signs, signals allow us to be kind and to work our spirit. I returned it to read after five years, when it reunited to me with a group of compatible people in the spiritual subjects we often debated and it analyzing its content, which the book in if it locks up and evaluating what it contributes to us for being always kind in everything what invites to us to be authentic, to be wide-awake in everything what is due to learn to aim to take advantage of the life that occurs us especially and, to know how to share it, especially with that somehow we have identified like special, while we remain in this dimension. Mainly, when we have made the decision to form a home as in my case individual was very special with the encounter of my companion and where one narrates the diverse tests that must be surpassed in order to be together.

Gigantic Key Points

I wanted to share with you 2 important super techniques, that you will have to include/understand immediately if you want to burn more faster fat And to never recover it. Events Triggering factors and On-learning. One of the main reasons for which 95% of which they follow a diet or they do exercise fail, is so that they own certain events, or events triggering factors in their lives, that cause that they very easily leave his diet or plan of exercises. In the case of certain people, one is to attend social meetings. They do it very well when they are single, but when they are surrounded by its friendly, they fall to its old woman little healthful habits of feeding. For others, this has to do with a certain level of stress can cause that much people leave the habits of healthful feeding totally to lose fat in just a short time. Both are ENORMOUS Events Triggering factors, that will cause that the loss of maintained fat, is practically impossible for the majority of which they follow a diet and they make exercise.

By it, now you know what is an Event Triggering factor will speak envelope how to avoid them: First, we are going to pass a few minutes with a sheet of paper and a pencil. It looks for in your head and it remembers all the plans of diet and exercise that you have followed with the passage of the years It thinks about every time you separated from those routines Caused what it? It was an emotional decision?It was stress? It was your social life? , etc. To identify your Event Triggering factor is the STEP #1 to eliminate it. , now you have identified your Events main Triggering factors, the following step is very well to establish what we know like On-learning in that head yours.

The Argentine

With this attitude, when maintaining the uncertainty in the economic context, causes that the families do not wish to consume and prefer to save to be prepared before a possible worsening of the situation. It is very difficult to think that the Argentine family average thinks at the moment about get into debt itself to acquire 0km, when the economy has decelerated, unemployment is increased, and the economic context sample disagreement signs. Also it is difficult to think that a company (a SME for example), is decided to invest by more loss than outside the rate, when the perspective ones on the evolution of their activity are negative (and if they were positive, the uncertainty of the awaited yield product of the fragility of the game rules, does that the required return in order to decide to invest too much it is elevated). The perception that exists is that the priority of the government would have to happen to fortify the macroeconomic scene, looking for to generate stability and transparency for that way, giving security to the deprived sector, the plan of economic stimulus can win in effectiveness. Paralelamente, and in which it seems to be an additional measurement, although not declared, while the plan begins to take form concerning small letter, the quote of the dollar in Argentina continues in ascent and it is already located in $ 3,46. The depreciation of the Argentine peso was a measurement widely demanded by the Argentine industrial sector, before of the deterioration observed by the type of real par in the last time product of the inflationary acceleration that had gotten to surpass inter-annual 30% (although in the last months it would decelerate strongly by the fall in the external inflationary pressures and the strong retraction of the local demand).

Against this background, the depreciation of the Argentine peso, protects (to less partly), to the local transable sector of the external competition (increased by the crisis), although probably it does not generate a significant impact in the exports given the gotten depressed thing of the external demand. The weakness as much of the external demand as internal, gives tranquillity of which the depreciation observed in the type of change is not transferred prices. The Argentine government continues proving different formulas to avoid the economic deterioration, which has been beginning for already several months and not as a result of the international crisis. How much he will take in recognizing his own errors and doing to him against the true problems of the Argentine economy?

Las Palmas Repeats

How to do it? Prate with your hands behind the head, the chest towards outside, and the elbows backwards. Sintate in the hips and doubles the knees to lower your body as far as possible, without losing the natural arc of the spine. It tightens muscles of the glteos and it is forced again to the starting point. Image: 3. Dominadas or Pullups This is the best movement for your train superior, because great part of muscles of your body works, wide dorsal muscle, biceps. I know that it can be difficult, but as your body takes form will become simpler. If you cannot absolutely tries ayudarte to raise and low slowly without aid.

This he is one of the exercises to become thin more complete than you will be able to find. How to do it? It begins down from sostenindote completely with Las Palmas towards outside. It pulls ahead until its chin is over the bar and again it lowers slowly until being sharp again. Image: 4. Step arrives the people who go to the gymnasium spend hours in a climber, then, you can have a better exercise, with the step arrives. How to do it? Pon a foot on a bank and pushes downwards through your heel to raise your other leg. It returns to the starting point and it finishes all the repetitions with her. Soon it changes of leg and it repeats the exercise.

5. East Plank exercise is essential if you want to fortify the nucleus of your body and in addition to work your abdominal ones. Hazlo during 30 seconds 5 times. How to do it? Supon that you are going to realise a small lizard, is the same position, with the elbows underneath your shoulders. It maintains your shoulders backwards and downwards and the abdominal ones contracted. Support the position during 30 seconds, slows down, and repeats.

Making Money Online

To make money online is quite easy for whatever really it knows what does in Internet. Constant people look for forms to realise transactions by Internet. For that reason, this new economy has returned abrir the doors to that new people empiezen to have but money. There are very many forms to begin to make money in line, for that reason I am going here to detail 2 of them: Blogs: To make money with publishing articles in blog, is a form that I can help volverte rich. It is a form that requires much discipline and organization, and is very good that besides this, you have passion by the subject that you decide to write. Everything what tenes that to do is to publish articles and to put publicity in your blog. The key is that you can maintain a good amount of visitors and you prune it to this to obtain publishing frequently contained of high quality.

Once this begins to work arms a wheel that you do not prune it to stop, because you are going to be attracting visits from all parts of the world. As to make money answering surveys payments by Internet: There are many companies that offer money by your opinion, and this is a very good form to work making surveys from house. It is the best form to begin to make money online if sos a nascent one. What tenes that to do is to buy a list of companies pay that you by your opinion, registrarte in those companies and to answer the surveys send that you to your email. The key to use a method or another one is what attracts to you but, what you like and what seems to you that this according to your level of knowledge. If already these making money of some form in Internet, the method to write in blog is better. , If sos now still nascent I recommend to you that you try with the remunerated surveys, if interests to you to learn as to make money answering surveys payments by clickea Internet in that Link. You choose the method that you choose, I recommend to you that you have discipline and confidence in same you since to make money online is a reality and is very many people doing it.