-, that is not but that the curative power by means of the regression of the patients to previous lives. This is obtained by means of the hipnotismo. For the Dr. Weis, the life of a human being, does not finish with the death. – The death is only the passage of the SOUL to future lives, like all we have had hundreds of lives before being born.
– What we do in our lives, – it will influence ours future reincarnations, – throughout the way of evolution towards immortality. The majority of their patients finds solutions to their physical problems, including the cancer or other diseases, once they manage to see what they have happened in his previous lives. Of this form, their lives are transformed deeply, and find but peace, but happiness and solutions to problems., physical as as much mental. According to the Dr. Weiss, we evolved constantly by all the eternity.
Our souls never die, simply happen from a life to another one. During its therapy, when the person enters deep state of hipnotismo, a begins to count of its previous lives. Some as distant as hundreds of years before Christ. They describe with amazing presicion the previous lives that had taken at that time. To transported or realised regressions to thousands of patients. Some of them, during one regression, begins to speak languages that have not heard nor studied never. – Languages, inclusively, of thousands of years before Christ. – Places with an exceptional exactitude Describe, although never they have so at least read on these different places. – According to the philosophy of the Dr. Weiss, all we are immortal, and the important part but of the human being is the SOUL. -, which lives eternally. – This is very similar to the affirmation of Sigmund Freud of which the mind works in two levels. Conscious and the Unconscious one, and the unconscious one is indeed the SOUL. – For the Dr. Weiss, all we own a soul that exists after the death of the physical body, and that time and time again returns in other bodies in a progressive attempt to reach a plane superior. – Some of their patients have happened through many different lives, – from a Japanese soldier of itself the XV, a boy living in France during the time of Napolen, – a mother mistreated by their husband at the time of the slavery in EE.UU., – and so on, – a patient can have happened through hundreds of lives., as well as seguira happening to future lives. Hundreds of therapists have recorded thousand of sessions on patients having described passed lives, and the majority of the experiences of their patients has been verified and verified, concluding that what says these patients under the hypnotic state, they are precise information that to the fantasy or false memory cannot be attributed. – For the Dr. Weiss, our souls have happened through many lives before being born, and will return to pass a other lives, after the death. That is ours ” inmortalidad”.