Advantages HoREX

HoREX hearing acoustics EC to the current investigation of the Stiftung Warentest in hearing aid acoustics good listening is important. When your own hearing due to natural wear and tear, therefore an early visit to a hearing care professional is advisable. But which is the best? This question is now also the Stiftung Warentest and examined on the basis of the large German audiologist chains, in whom the customer is best placed. However, the results of that test were published in the June issue of the magazine, are rather average in key areas. Reason enough for the leading German professional association HoREX, expressly pointed out that smaller, owner-operated acoustic providers offer the customers in terms of service and advice often clear advantages over the big chain stores. These farms are also organized, in a strong association as the HoREX they combine these advantages with which the big chains. In their current study, she tested Stiftung Warentest the offerings of the large chain stores Fielmann, Geers, child, Amplifon, Seifert and Iffland rather average results.

So came the quality of advice at any of the six sectors large about satisfying”out. And also in terms of customer orientation achieved alone the industry newcomer Fielmann good”. That the big here achieve better results can is remarkable, “so Tannassia Reuber, Executive Member of the Board of hearing acoustics EC HoREX. These areas are absolutely crucial for the success of a hearing aid supply. Each hearing loss is different. So the possibilities of modern hearing aids are actually used, these devices must be adapted to the individual hearing loss of a customer precisely. The needs in addition to excellent expertise also trust, time and patience.

Also, the audiologist will remain even after the supply for the most important contact customers. Mediocrity is not certainly Basis for really good and long term customer relationships.” Cooperative HoREX: Advantages of smaller providers of large chains connect at the same time the representative of the oldest indicates German audiologist cooperative that now many smaller, owner-operated businesses offer this more advice and customer orientation. This reflects in their structure”, says Tannassia Reuber. The quality of advice-intensive services ensures even, everyone knows everyone, and that the distances between customers and owners are short. Typically, the customer in smaller listening acoustic enterprises over the years has its single point of contact. There is no frequent personnel changes, but a trusting cooperation and personal relationship.” These small, owner-managed providers are organized like the HoREX, also in a strong professional community they also connect more customer proximity and service advantages of the large chain stores. A critical concern our community is to strengthen smaller hearing-acoustics holdings for an ever-harder competition without that they must give up their individuality and the own quality standards work. This is far more important than simply maximizing of the return on investment for us. And, last but not least benefit those customers who decide in the case for going to a HoREX HorExperten.” Interested parties on find a HoREX hearing experts in your area. Editorial Note: the hearing acoustics EC headquartered in Kreuztal HoREX was founded in 1995 and is one of the leading performance of hearing-acoustics industry. Today, nationwide over 400 listening acoustic master specialist businesses belong to her. The HoREX care professional aims to offer an individual hearing solution people with hearing loss, which focuses on personal hearing requirements and a fair price / performance ratio. The HoREX offers its members future-oriented perspectives and an attractive shopping policy, extensive marketing support and numerous services, offers in-service training and quality certification.