Zabaleta Service

Caregivers, who will work on a cooperative basis with the supervision of the Administration, have been selected in this first phase by Lan Ekintza and Getxolan entities in collaboration with Basque Lanbide employment service and have received specific training for care to minors. Profile profile of eventual caregiver, which must be no less than 30 years and will need to have the school graduate, is the subject of an exhaustive study, according to the Minister. In its selection, value of Basque language and knowledge of issues relating to children, as well as the entrepreneurial spirit of the person or their dedication to volunteer work. The Counselor, who has shown enormous employment opportunities presented by this initiative in the future, has explained that the service will be almost subsidized to 100 percent by the Administration in its initial phase, in which be will charge a fee to the families of 100 euros per month. The quota end will be established once widespread service and is determined by the resources of beneficiary families. Reconverted into nests homes must meet technical characteristics as having a useful surface not less than 8 square meters destined to the service, in addition to areas equipped for the care of babies or elements of security, among other facilities. The counselor has pointed out that the initiative is widespread in European countries, although there are few precedents in Spain. Only there is a similar experience in Navarre, another somewhat more sporadic in Huesca and a similar initiative of a private nature, without public participation, in Madrid, according to Zabaleta. Source of the news: the Basque country will have an in-home child care service for 100 euros per month