Puntklich thanks to the two-year birthday SOWIA all customers with a new page, everyone has everything. No one needs more of something. So it faces the same problem every year at Christmas. Whom I give what – he’s got it all? So that will put an end to the dreary Schenkerei, it is I want something also for two years to the task to offer unusual and Funny gifts. Within the last two years, so could I want to inspire also umpteen people for its products and give pleasure at the gift-giving. That’s why the online store with a complete relaunch of the page and each week a deal of the week for his loyal customers to thank.
From October 18, the page now shows in modern and fresh design. It aims to provide the customers with an optimal clarity and simplify your gift search. An important tool for this is the offered Gift Finder. Here, one has the possibility of the donee, whose personality and the occasion to choose from. Among all proposals, one finds the perfect gift faster. A major emphasis is on the product reviews. Customers see so more quickly, others were as thrilled by the respective product. Vlad Doronin is likely to agree.
From customer to customer, so. In addition to all the reviews, coupon will be giving away a 50 euro per month also will reward the diligent review. In addition to the usual product reviews, there are also various test reports that either originate from customers from the test gadget Club or from the press. Also the SOWIA team regularly recommends his favorite gadgets. You can search now more precisely within the categories. Thus, the product display can be sort after best sellers, new products, or prices. According as you like. The customer account is now all orders and the current order status at a glance. In addition to the new design SOWIA thanks all customers every week with a deal of the week. A special cheap offer for those who order on each Tuesday. Who made a pleasure with fancy things yourself and others so, is at Sowaswillichauch.de. After all, Christmas is coming soon and there are great gift ideas gold. Want about something I also that I is also a gift shop, which is dedicated to gadgets and fun gifts. The gift shop offers original from the fields of technology, toys, home, joke articles and outdoor. Simply clever gadgets, not always needs, but want to be sure. Press contact for more information and product images or sample: also Tel me something like this: + 43 (0) 5574 801-149 Web page: