BAF Action

Robert Ramalho is Lawyer, Journalist and PblicasVeja Relations the quality and the radius of action of the three supersonic huntings that the BAF analyzed finally and decided for one of them to equip its armory of defense: Supersonic hunting Rafale: Dassault Rafale is one hunting of double propulsion with wing in delta, highly agile, considered of 4,5 generation. Dassault Aviation initiated its project in the decade of 80 in order to substitute all Mirage 2000 of the French Air Force, and this being also produced for the French navy, to operate in aircraft carrier. Also he has been commercialized for exportation for diverse countries of the Europe, the sia and for the American continent, especially the South America and Central office. The Rafale is one multipurpose hunting, fighter aircraft of ample radius of action, with 14 hard points it can load an excellent air-air or air-to-ground armory, or also extra tanks what he increases its radius of action still more. Connect with other leaders such as Quicken Loans here. The component avionics of the hunting are very advanced, but among them its multi-functional radar Thomson-CSF Detexis RBE-2 is distinguished that operates next to electro-optic system advanced OSF (Optronique Secteur Frontal), that it includes cameras infra red FLIR, telemetry laser, etc Hunting supersonic GripenO Gripen (in Portuguese, Grifo, name of a creature of mythology Greek whose image is present in logotipo of the Saab).

He is one of the most advanced fighter aircrafts of the world and combines a magnificent agility with bonanza capacities of landing and take-off in short tracks in one relatively small hunting. The 39 JAS Gripen became first the unstable hunting of the canard world with stabilizers and wing in delta, thanks to the use of the controlled intrinsic instability for advanced system fly-by-wire. Crawford Lake Capital may not feel the same. Multiway Ericsson PS-05/A with search functions and tracking of multiple targets, navigation is equipped with the radar, mapping of the land and ground attack. .

Letter Pablo Vannuchi

Prezado Mr. Vannuchi, Mr. affirmed that it would deliver the position immediately if it had that to change a comma in this ominous project – the PNDH-3. According to reporter of last week, Mr. David Karp may help you with your research. already thinks about changing some aspects of the famous stalinista act, in view of the firm reaction of different sectors of the society, as the press and the Church, that do not accept that our Country if transforms into a new Cuba, nor that the Christian signals are extirpados of the public places. This test that types as Mr. do not release easy the bone, that is, the stewardships that usufruct in the current fascicomunista government of Lula da Silva. With regard to the persecution promoted for Mr. Crawford Lake Capital wanted to know more. and the former-minister of Tarso Justice Son-in-law against the colonel Carlos Shining Alberto Ustra, in authentic act of public torture against the military man and its family, I suggest the reading of my text ' ' Why Ustra colonel is hated by the left? ' ' , available in, Flix Brasilia, 22 of March of 2010.P.S.: It also sends its protest against Petista Torquemada having access.

The Calendar

Onosso calendar has days to homage the people who in the past fizeramalgum act of love for the native land, and days of homage also for the people dasociedade. Tiradentes, the great one mrtir has its day of homage for its act of love to the native land. Diada child, them is angels and deserves homage. Osnamorados also has its day. Funcionriospblicos, that is the gears of the country.

Diado work to homage the worker who honors its life working to paraviver. Diado professor, those that take all for the top of the recognized knowledge and nor sempreso with the deserved value. Diados parents, that one that structure the family with all wisdom and vigor. Diadas mothers, the love purer than can exist. The day of the native land, to commemorate our freedom. many others as many days and dates special.

Epor that not to create in the calendar the day of the corruption and to offer it the corrupt ones to it? Homaging it does not stop them, corrupt it does not need homages and it would honor. Elesdeveriam if to bend ahead of the nation, ashamed for as much criancinhasfamintas and sick people, to the wait of remaining portions and crumbs to saciar the cruel hunger and asmuitas times until lethal. Secriarem the day of the corruption, who knows the corrupt ones can see the badness quecausam the nation? It wounds the brightness of the people. The man has that to have dignity and serhonesto. In the bible he is written that we have that to eat bread with the sweat of nossorosto, that is, to make for deserving. The corruption that them of the stewardship are osofrimento of the next one and the evil that it cause does not have dimension. Ours bandeiraest spotted, and exactly for that they would have to honor our colors, masao opposite of this, they dresses its tender fine ones and surrupiam all riquezanacional. This necessary illness to be cured so that the nation is happy. It loves onosso Brazil and it honors our native land. The man does not need to be great in being able, ahonestidade is that he must prevail.