Paulo Properties

So Paulo is one of the known Brazilian states more in the world. With borders between General Rio De Janeiro and Mina, the state already called ' ' locomotive brasileira' ' it has in its hands 33.9% of the GIP of Brazil. Agitation, chances and quality of life. Quicken Loans takes a slightly different approach. It is possible if to find of everything in a so cosmopolita state. In the capital, the urban culture and the rhythm of great city arise. Learn more on the subject from Fabrizio Freda. 20 million people are almost living in 6 bigger megalpole of the world, being of these about three immigrant million of 70 distinct nationalities. With abundance of diversity, the comfort still reigns in the life of the paulistano.

Not only in the capital as well as in the interior, the search for property of quality this to each bigger day. Thus also it happens in Moema, in the Zone Center-South of the city of So Paulo. The apartments in moema disponibilizados by the constructor and Tecnisa incorporator, for example, bring the necessary praticidade for a great city as So Paulo, allied the so necessary comfort. Culture and Sport in noble Moema.Regio of So Paulo capital, Moema had its growth in the intensified real estate sector from 1970. The quarter offers of everything in terms of quality of life. The nocturnal life is one of the most agitated of So Paulo, the Ibirapuera Park also is very used for the practical one of sports. In the region also they are the Museums of the Modern Art, of the Aeronautics and the Folklore.

The Ombudsman

On the other hand, sometimes the decision of granting the dation in payment entity takes both interests, commissions and miscellaneous charges accumulate. Pricing of homes, may be also different lower past the time when it comes the time of the auction. People affected by the mortgage platform and several groups more even collected signatures for an ILP (legislative Popular initiative) on the dation in payment that is retroactive. Declaration of insolvency not an appropriate procedure for the legal treatment of the insolvency of natural persons is regulated in Spain, says the Ombudsman; Many ask their regulation since, currently, a person is declared bankrupt does not allow to cancel debts, although you can defer some payments. The Confederation Espanola de organizations of housewives, consumers and users (CEACCU) asks you to match families and companies, so that they can liquidate their debts with assets available at the time of the bankruptcy.

And consider that a family is bankrupt when it is not possible to pay off your debts (mortgage) with their assets (salary, allowance) available. The debt could renegotiate, retaining housing, or you could resort to the enactment. The Ombudsman speaks of a release (of the debt) which allow start again and avoid social exclusion. The PSOE, for its part, proposed an out-of-court procedure prior to the bankruptcy to give solution to not wilful subsequently overhang and lengthen deadlines for evictions. Social rent are often demanding in many cases, especially in processes that affect immigrants or families at risk of social exclusion. Once presented a claim of foreclosure for non-payment, the Bank can buy the property at the subsequent auction that you can also declare void or another buyer, almost always at a price that is around 50% of its value (or even less) if there are several auctions. There are occasions in which families are still living in houses that are already owned by the Bank and, basically, expect to get them the warrant of eviction.

General Assembly

Or is it rhetoric? Only well-intentioned statement? It’s worth pretending that they are principles not invoked before the courts. If justice is not done with the hungry, they revolt. And perhaps appropriate to do so to leave all of this moral misery. The UN General Assembly proclaimed the right to regular, permanent and free access to adequate food in quantity and quality, sufficient to ensure physical and mental healthy, free of anguish, fulfilling and dignified life. Nothing less. But the shame of hunger is not from this crisis. Six years ago the FAO warned that the progress in reducing hunger has stopped.

And we have not been able to resume it. We have, because we are all responsible. The owners of the world, those who most, because put profits first and foremost. Governments, for being supporters of the interests of those. News media, parliaments and universities, not to consider the fight against poverty, the hunger and the right to food as essential. And citizens well nourished, because we are looking at another side. The hunger crisis has to do with the mortgage, real estate and financial crisis. All start from a political-economic system unfair and suicidal, chaired by the proven falsehood that the market regulates it and harmonizes everything, although it does not regulate a radish.

The market is not a deus ex machina; It has names and surnames. The market is very unsupportive, disproportionate and greedy interests of the years of the world and their accomplices and henchmen. Jean Ziegler has written that this situation is the result of fear of the masters of the world to human rights. Because if all the human rights of all persons are respected, it would end up root this suicidal system of our day. True, because respect for human rights (political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights) will change root the life on Earth. What do? We have the word to denounce, to explain. We have the will to resist.

Real Merchandises

Thus being, in the societies contemporaries everything finishes being interpreted as merchandise. Marx (1971) observes that the way capitalist to organize and to reproduce the society exacerba the power of the things on the people, being limited the possibilities of recognition of the underlying social relations to the production of the merchandises and transforming them into fetiches. For it, fetiche or ilusrio character of the merchandises not if must to its value of use, that after all satisfy necessities human beings, but, yes, to its symbolic value. The capitalist society, on the other hand massifica the market, extending the amount of merchandises and, on the other hand, diversifies, modifies and multiplies the consumption standards, transforming individuals of citizens into objects when exacerbar the scale of its necessities (CANCLINI, 2001). As Featherstone (1995) the movement of generalization of the markets and magnifying of the necessities and standards of consumption of the society contemporary is the founder of ' ' culture of consumo' ' , understood, primordially, as ' ' consumption of signos' '. It is exactly this symbolic character of the merchandises that allows in them to speak in cultural economy.

The culture as category it has many meanings. In some contexts, it appears as erudio or academic formation. In the media, the culture generally represents the world of the arts: the theater, the cinema, the television, etc. However, for the anthropology, the culture are understood of much more including form. Any creation is about all and human being, symbolic Real or and that if express as life way. Its concrete quality is, therefore, onipresente, therefore it occurs in all the manifestations of the daily one: religious, politics, economic, etno-lingustica, sociocomportamental etc. the culture of the peoples is the interconnection of all these manifestations, passing still for the historical and geographic aspects (time/space). The culture, in the universal plan, is the collective direction of the survival human being and, in the particular one, it represents the identity of a people, express in the language, the practical ones and the imaginary one of the communities.