Service is what if it cannot lead even so, is not physicist, not if it can consume, is an experience in determined moment. The services facilitate the organization of the time of the people, are used services to increase the time in favor of the individuals for acquisition of new services, as to go to the one snack bar and to eat a snack saving time of the preparation of the meal in house and thus sobrando, time to go to the one cinema. Therefore all the people who keep contacts with the consumers are part of the pursuing of rendering of services. (BATESON, 2001) Can Be managed the Service? The necessary company to carefully define the necessities of the customer when projecting its program of support services and assistance to the product. (KOTLER 2000, P. 466) When if it deals with rendering companies of services, verifies that the same one always leaves to the front when executes its services with consistently superior quality to the one of its competitors, surpassing all the expectations of its customers. When one works with rendering companies of services is observed that the customer collates the service perceived with the waited one, case this perceived does not take care of the expectations of that one waited these customers will be able to lose the interest for the supplier and case perceived service surpasses the expectations the customers will have a bigger motivation to appeal again to the supplier. WOOLS HOUSES (1995) tell that: When the customers accustom with some type of quality level, the same start to find that what the service lender makes he is not nothing more than what its obligation, therefore the customs practically annul the perceived benefits if the same ones will not be perfected. Another possibility is with the rendering of services constantly developed in the effort to surpass the expectation of the customer it increases each time more the level of given services and how much bigger it will be the vicious cycle and that it grows to the measure that the customer interacts with the lender of services.