It is important to emphasize that one of the main difficulties for the familiar agriculturists ' ' apicultores' ' question of the verticalizao of the apicultural productive chain is mentioned to it, having the necessity to structuralize the production by means of warehouses or house of honey, thus to industrialize, to commercialize, to store and to carry the apicultural products, a time that would be adding value to its product. By means of one of the objectives of the Project Alive Forest it was created Association of Apicultores and Meliponicultores of Itaituba-Par APIMEL, in order to provide to greater organization in its trajectories. Currently in the referring city for not disponibilizar of structure, that is, warehouses nor if that it marries of honey, the producers already participate of courses directed toward the processing of the honey, all obey the beginning, however hygiene apparatus we only have some equipment (centrifugal machine, decanter, desoperculador yoke.) for the had processing. The extration of the honey is made to the outdoors. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Crawford Lake Capital Management has to say. So that it has resulted significant is necessary techniques of handling and basic procedures of planning such as: external painting of the boxes and enumeration of the pictures/boxes _ _ guarantees greater durability and inside provides one better control of the beehives of the apirio, therefore it fits to also endorse that the fiches of evaluation (notations) corresponding to each beehive allowing to evaluate the period of training of production and development of the swarm during the revisions. 4.RESULTADOS AND QUARRELS In synthesis if were to tell to all the experience practised in the project alive forest would write a book, however it fits to point out that it brought resulted positive for region providing income to the small producer and showing one another vision of familiar agriculture to the small agriculturist. Thus of ownership the foundation of the APIMEL I wrote another project Honey: A Sustainable Alternative of BR 163 (Deep Dema/STTR/APIMEL) having the purpose To intensify the apicultural production in the city of Itaituba-Par, through the estruturao and spreading of Association APIMEL, which I continue giving has supported to the beekeepers associates in accompaniment technician, therefore I believe that familiar agriculture can develop of sustainable form.