The aging is an inherent element to the time, having in the assimilation of experiences one of its marcantes characteristics. In this direction the Statute if places of objective form when delimiting a social space of interchanges between aged and the too much etrios groups. However, it is essential to raise the awareness of the society, therefore the understanding of the aged being perpassa the generations and needs respect and enrollment. It is certain that the law does not only possess in potential itself to modify of one hour for another one the perception of the society how much to this problematic one, therefore goes beyond, defining itself as it is a slow process that if constitutes to the measure where to the people if they find open in reflecting on the condition of the other. It is, a priori one, the collective sensitization that has capacity to transform the way as the individuals of younger etrias bands if they place in this process of intervention where the social assistant acts as intermediador instrument of the inclusion relations social, by means of mechanisms that potencializam the aged one while to be politician. CHAPTER III the PROFESSIONAL OF SOCIAL ASSISTANCE AND the ATTENTION To the ELDERLY To soon of the development in the society, the Social Service was tied with the attendance to the aged individual, through its filantrpicas and assistencialistas sources of attention to fragilizados stratus in such a way for the socioeconmicas inaqualities, how much for the problematic one of its inclusion folloied for the stigma of the oldness. Not obstante, for being about a profession that it directly deals with the intermediao between the politics you publish and the guarantees of rights of the individuals, he is undeniable that the Social Service has as obligation to intervine in the related or happened social situations of conflict of the aging, taking care of in its demands, destarte to this, composing all a sense I criticize to about its implications for the social environment, since the population aging is a phenomenon that if composes in order reflecting in relations between the individuals, in the politics proposals for the State, in the relations of work and the proper perception of the elderly front this reality of life that is imposed gradually by the time, determining as many transformations in its existence.