Pacotinha Services

Antonio Candido, in Dialectic of the malandragem (1978), searchs characteristics in Memories to give a sergeant of military services that oaproximem and/or distanciem of the picaresco romance. To start, we can focar nonarrador of the Memories, that are heterodiegtico, opposing narrativaspicarescas, that always happen in first person, in a narrativaautodiegtica. Another point if to observe would be the fact of pcaro to learn eats experiences, to the step that Leonardo, the hero of the Memories, nadaaprende with them, however similar has some pcaros, Leonardo obtains serespontneo, amiable, of humble origin and as some of these, irregular. Candido (1978 p.322) considers that Memories of umsargento of military services are: ' ' A romance malandro, let us say then queLeonardo is not pcaro, but great malandro that it enters in novelssimabrasileira' '. The firmao that can be supported in the workmanship of Almeida, considering the vocabulary malandro and loafer as synonymous: In it I capitulate eighteen, is told that Leonardo son: ' ' one consists a complete loafer, loafer-master, loafer-tipo' ' (ALMEIDA, 1997 p.66). Candido still raises the hypothesis of demilcias Memories of argento to be a documentary romance, since it reproduced the Carioca society of umpoca, or representative ' ' where Memories of a sergeant of military services: realistic nemromntico nor For 1852 return, in folhetim Mercantile Post office, intitulado’ ‘ Pacotinha’ ‘ , here it is that he starts to be published first and nicoromance of authorship of a young called inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro Manuel Antonio de Almeida: Memriasde a sergeant of military services, comoromntico romance frequent classified, certainly thanks to the time where it was written and not, in fact for seuestilo. This classification is precipitated, had to its> several desencontroscom the literary school that predominated in the first half of the century, ' ' to aoescrever the chapters of the memories, Manuel Antonio de Almeida does not have literary nenhumapretenso …