Natural Laws

It determines that – either for ignorance or incapacity of understanding human being – what if credited to the supernatural nothing more would be of what has left intrinsic to the Natural Laws that conduct the life. Publishing its studies and constataes in five workmanships, under the pseudonym of Allan Kardec, the illustrious professor knocked down some philosophical-religious concepts had as undisputed its time: 1) yes, exists a cause and an intention for all occurrences of the life, determining, with this, the inexistence of perhaps; the 2) beings are preexisting and surviving to the phenomenon of the death; that is, the death does not exist; 3) we are all immortal beings inhabitants of these realities and in continuous process of perfectioning; 3) yes, the physical world and extra physicist become related, therefore, a being of a world can intervene with the other e, for being inherent to the laws of the nature, the phenomenon nothing has of abnormal person or supernatural. In general rule, this could be the synthesis of the legacy of Kardec to the religious thought contemporary and directed to all the religions it never intended to have followers or to constitute arrogant segments of the absolute truth. The Espiritismo, today, is a consisting, institutionalized religion and has its recital in the innumerable workmanships of Kardec and other complementary workmanships (not only of Chico Xavier). Its practical, derived from this knowledge, is disponibilizadas in what it was stipulated to call of espritas centers. In these places (but, not in all), where if must offer the study of this legacy, and, mainly, if it must practise the charity, one searchs, also, the orientation and the intervention of the world spiritual in aiding to that they go there, as well as all practical the religious ones look for to make, for intermediary of mediators, translators, of these two realities.