All the stars are moving in an orbit with a very high rate, one star even managed to complete a round for these 16 years, giving astronomers to study the possibility of indirectly mysterious "brutal" motion of our Galaxy. 'Centre of the Galaxy is a unique laboratory in which we can study the fundamental processes that are characteristic for conditions of strong gravity, stellar dynamics and star formation, which are important to explore all other galactic nuclei, with a high level of detail can never be achieved by studying outside of our Galaxy ", explains Reinhard Hansel (Reinhard Genzel), leader of the group that conducts the study in the Institute of Space Physics, Max Planck Garchinge (Garching), near Munich (Munich), Germany. 'Undoubtedly, the most impressive element of our 16-year study is that it has provided the information that is now considered to be the best empirical evidence of the actual existence of supermassive black holes', continues to Hansel (Genzel). 'Star orbits observed in the center of the galaxy, no doubt, confirm that the concentrated mass at the center of the galaxy, which corresponds to four million solar masses, should a black hole. " Not to mention the fact that this study was the most detailed of all the research area of Sagittarius A * (precision equipment used in this study were six times higher than the accuracy of equipment used in any other study, which took place before that), the astronomers of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) have also identified the most precise distance from the center of the galaxy to our solar system, our supermassive black hole lies at a safe distance from us long to 27 000 light years.
Much information was also collected and the individual stars. 'The stars are in the most remote areas, are moving randomly, according to an arbitrary orbits, just as flies swarm of bees, 'says Stephen Zhillessen (Stefan Gillessen), first author of an article published in the Astrophysical Journal (The Astrophysical Journal). 'In addition, six out of 28 stars orbiting around a black hole in the plane of the disk. In therefore, a new study is also an unequivocal confirmation of the results of an earlier work, which was discovered by a disc, but only in statistical terms. Orderly movement outside central region of the length of one light-month, randomly oriented orbits within this region, so it is possible to describe the dynamics of the formation of young stars in the galactic center. " It's very simple: the object influencing these stars should be a supermassive black hole, another explanation, based on the foregoing, no. Does this mean that black holes are much greater extent have the reputation of the cosmological 'fact' than the 'theoretical'? It is natural to assume that, yes … Original Source: University of Arizona News Release Translator: Dorokhov Elena (Translation "Gulfstream")