Deutsche Annington Supports Children Pools E.V. With Prize Money

Deutsche Annington reached 3rd place at the this year’s facade competition in Dortmund and donates entire winner’s Prize for children’s project Bochum, 13 August 2013. 39. Dortmund colored facades facade competition-friendly environment better Dortmund finished third the Deutsche Annington. With the prize money, the company now supports the Dortmund children pools Association “In July the Deutsche Annington real estate group (DAIG) finished in third place in the Dortmund facade competition colored facades friendly environment better Dortmund”. The freshly updated exterior facades of DAIG stocks on the Rabensmorgen were awarded 52-58 and 59 in Dortmund. A total of 58 objects have been proposed the jury for the competition. Participation in the competition brought not only the third place, but also a winner’s prize of Deutsche Annington amounting to EUR 500 and it was there to be use. Directly fixed for us to let the prize money to benefit a social institution.

It was important to us, that the institution is linked to the Dortmund location”, said Ralf Peter Ellis Walker, business manager of the Deutsche Annington. The choice fell on the Dortmund children pools Association, sick and fulfilling dreams and desires to financially needy children. The Club has made a name through numerous actions in Dortmund and also nationwide through actions, such as the RTL Charity Gala. In Dortmund, he is now an institution. And we like to support that,”said Peter sleeve Wo.

The victory bonus of 500 the Deutsche Annington increased still more 250 euro. We are pleased about the 750-euro donation of the Deutsche Annington. Thanks to the support of the real estate company we can put a smile on the face even more children”, Marc Peine, Managing Director of the Association of children’s laughter, at the cheque thanked in early August. Learn more about the awards and social projects of the Deutsche Annington, see. About the Deutsche Annington the Deutsche Annington real estate group among Germany’s leading apartment providers with around 210,000 leased and managed apartments. The company offers its customers throughout Germany at around 550 sites homes for rent and for sale, supplemented with customer-oriented services. Contact: Deutsche Annington homes SE Jana Gantenberg phone 0234 314 1321