Customers Service

Because except for the case of a funeral home, in almost any other business customers do not return by that have not been satisfied with the service/product purchased on your last purchase. This dissatisfaction may be basically due to a bad price, poor service or both. In fact the dichotomy between the two variables is almost as old as the history of Commerce. Occasionally not missing the debate of guru of turn that ‘see’ that fundamentally is indeed ‘give the best service at the best price’ brilliant contribution. But make no mistake, there is no single answer to this demand and the perception of our customers about that relationship between qualities and prices, it is possible that differs greatly from what we ourselves have.

In fact if you think that your customers do not return for the price, and after a brief investigation into the matter ‘discover you’ service is the culprit, not creates which is unique in that error, a study in United States between clients and executives of relevant companies has shown that while customers allege – 73% of cases – that the bad service is the main cause of its abandonment – against 24 percent who blamed the price-, the managers of these companies think – 50% – that price is the main culprit and only 21% aimed at – evil – I customer service as its Achilles heel. It is reasonable to think that in a time of economic boom factor prices move to a second plane. It is just as reasonable that before a change of situation the price recovers its primacy. Therefore you have to be very careful when establishing railways rules. Common sense should be very attentive to the views of our customers and go by adjusting parameters of service,- and if possible – price, depending on what you go seeing necessary. And with respect to this last, does that is something what dedicates time and effort? are you running any program or task more or less continuous in time that allows you to know the degree of satisfaction of its clients with the last purchase made? It may be a good time to think about it and turn it on. Before making more unpleasant ‘discoveries’. More content at: original author and source of the article