Real Merchandises

Thus being, in the societies contemporaries everything finishes being interpreted as merchandise. Marx (1971) observes that the way capitalist to organize and to reproduce the society exacerba the power of the things on the people, being limited the possibilities of recognition of the underlying social relations to the production of the merchandises and transforming them into fetiches. For it, fetiche or ilusrio character of the merchandises not if must to its value of use, that after all satisfy necessities human beings, but, yes, to its symbolic value. The capitalist society, on the other hand massifica the market, extending the amount of merchandises and, on the other hand, diversifies, modifies and multiplies the consumption standards, transforming individuals of citizens into objects when exacerbar the scale of its necessities (CANCLINI, 2001). As Featherstone (1995) the movement of generalization of the markets and magnifying of the necessities and standards of consumption of the society contemporary is the founder of ' ' culture of consumo' ' , understood, primordially, as ' ' consumption of signos' '. It is exactly this symbolic character of the merchandises that allows in them to speak in cultural economy.

The culture as category it has many meanings. In some contexts, it appears as erudio or academic formation. In the media, the culture generally represents the world of the arts: the theater, the cinema, the television, etc. However, for the anthropology, the culture are understood of much more including form. Any creation is about all and human being, symbolic Real or and that if express as life way. Its concrete quality is, therefore, onipresente, therefore it occurs in all the manifestations of the daily one: religious, politics, economic, etno-lingustica, sociocomportamental etc. the culture of the peoples is the interconnection of all these manifestations, passing still for the historical and geographic aspects (time/space). The culture, in the universal plan, is the collective direction of the survival human being and, in the particular one, it represents the identity of a people, express in the language, the practical ones and the imaginary one of the communities.

Christian Rosary

And not only seek to, because they have already deployed it with the sambenito of development. We have many examples of the atrocities that have been committed with the Holy development, which as a Christian Rosary we have anatemizado and sent to their champions for the purpose that we change our opinion, and if it not of result send us their jails, so have everything a legal machinery and a guard corps at your service, make the reasons to indict us, you will find it to be; the purpose is to get us to their jails to which we submit to their designs. And a whole chorus of accusing fingers us signals to justify while they know we stand for life, but not only of our Nations and communities, if not si no tambien also them who we vejan and run over. Tell us what those times in which dragged to my brethren, with the whip and the clamping device to ensure that they are brought to work at the large sugar estates, and enclose them in sheds so that they work like animals and live as beings inhuman, by only a piece of meat and a scrap of fabric covering her Awrah, have changed, is a lieeverything is a lie, will have passed the calendars in which what happened, only methods have been refined and now explode with more impunity, more refinement. To do this they have to mining corporations that expropriate our pastures, our land where we cultivate our corn, our dads. They destroy all our temples and shrines and sacred sites of our peoples the they destroy to push us towards the big cities where we will look for work, so that we esquilmen with works of more than twelve hours of daily work, that we will only reach penalties to feed our families. There have the example of the thousands of squid runes of the Nations of the Wai Chuco and Cullies of Otuzco, Huamachuco, and Santiago de Chuco who will populate business corporations agroexportadoras belts in the coastal valleys.

The Importance Of Exercising

We all know about the great benefits provided by exercising in a way regular, however, only 13 percent of people come to make exercise a habit real and constant. If we do not have much time always we can do exercises to do at home. It is important that we see the great benefits of exercising and not focus only on trying to find exercises to slim legs or similar things. Fat is not lost in a localized manner, although some exercises exercise a few specific muscles. The daily routine, laziness and obligations usually earn about our good intentions.

To give you the Welcome to sedentary lifestyle we are accumulating risk factors to develop the two that cause major diseases of death which are cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Before starting any exercise routine, it is advisable to seek guidance of qualified medical personnel, especially if we have a history of serious illnesses, obesity or overweight. A complete physical exam will evaluate if there are risks or determine which is the type of exercise most suitable for us. The exercises should begin slowly, the task of incorporating exercise into our daily routine should be done in a relaxed way. Unrealistic goals and pressure to meet targets far away to our lack of habit can lead to disappointment. For exercising appropriate operational, there must be a minimum of effort. To guard our hearts, the best exercise is aerobic exercise. Aerobic activities such as walking, running, swimming, biking, using the elliptical machine are excellent for our cardiovascular system.

We must not influence us for the amount of calories you want to burn, but for the type of exercise that go according to our physical condition. Anaerobic exercise is the best complement to the exercise routine. This comprises of brief activities based on strength, such as weights, abdominal, flexes, sit-ups, exercises for legs, etc. It has been proven that the effectiveness of aerobic exercise improves with the Supplement to anaerobic exercise. The assistance of a professional trainer for the orientation of the kind of routine that we follow is recommended. We must exercise responsibility and respect time limits when practicing sports. The exercise of irresponsibly is harmful for health also. He is recommended as minimum exercise three times a week, with a final objective that our sessions are never less than thirty minutes. Likewise, we must adapt our routine to our condition and our needs, for example, pregnancy exercises are softer than what we do when we’re not expecting a baby. It is never late to start caring for us. The main objective must be to improve our quality of life and feel better about ourselves. Exercise can increase our physical attractiveness but this is only an added value. It is confirmed that persons performing exercises are less prone to depression.

Facial Cleanser

What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you think of Strawberry a delicious dessert of strawberries mixed with fresh cream? Strawberries serve more than to satisfy the sweet tooth. It has many health benefits, so it is a nutritious fruit for mind and body. Eat the succulent fruit in its raw form or serve as jams, syrups, salads, smoothies, wine, juices and much more. Strawberries are full of vitamin C, potassium, sodium and iron, besides being low in calories. Not only delicious, a strawberry is also a great additive skincare, mostly due to its slightly astringent properties. Strawberry juice is mainly recommended for oily skin to improve the texture, minimize greasiness and promote a healthy and radiant complexion. Strawberries ellagic acids seem to inhibit the growth of tumors (cancerous cells).

They are also a good source of salicylic acid that removes dead cells and cleans the pores. Strawberries helps relieve skin burnt by the Sun, skin blemishes, as well as discolored teeth. An alternative to placement of cucumber on the eyes, place a slice of Strawberry to reduce swelling. It is known to fight against diseases of the heart and to provide a number of vitamins and minerals that support health human in general. To Add strawberries to their diet, we build a healthy immune system. In addition to various nutrients and minerals, strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin K and mangnesio, as well as folic acid, riboflavin, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, copper, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids. Recipes of beauty for the skin: try these homemade recipes made with this delicious fruit as the main ingredient.

Kiwi and strawberry Facial Cleanser mix 5-6 cucumber strawberries, 1 kiwi, peeled and 1 / 2 cucumber with a soft paste, not a liquid mixture. If the mixture is a bit nasal, add some oatmeal until the potion is of proper consistency. Apply on face and neck with a gentle massage to exfoliate the skin. Let the paste sit in the skin for 10 minutes and then rinse well with warm water. Your skin will feel fresh and clean. Strawberry mask combines two or three ripe strawberries with 2 tablespoons of oats, finely ground and a drop of lemon essential oils to form a paste. Spread the batter over the area of the face and neck with your fingers. Relax for 20 minutes. Cold rinse followed by a cartridge of toner and moisturizer. 4 To 5 Strawberry mask strawberries, 1 tbsp. milk and 1 tbsp. corn starch. Mix all three ingredients into a paste that is applied on face for 20 minutes. First rinse with warm water and then cold water. It is best to use this recipe with a mild astringent and then use a light moisturizer. Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following the instructions of the recipes in this article. Do not use if you are allergic to something. The responsibility lies not with the site or the writer and the reader. We are working on completed East article, and hopefully have aroused the curiosity about this fruit and its benefits to incorporate in our daily food.

Frozen Ingredients

If for example entered you 10 ounces after post ice, and the recipe requests 30% of voldka, we have to incorporate 3 ounces of vodka. There are several ways to prepare a cocktail from the simplest ones to others that require much more production, this is going to vary with regard to the ingredients and the kind of cocktail that we are preparing. Direct serve directly in the jar or Cup where specifies the recipe, always putting the first ice and then adding different beverages of higher to lower alcohol content. Cooled to perform this type of drinks we have a beaker or composition as well as a spoon faucet, simply consists of gently stir ingredients with ice (preferably cubes, since the ice melts too fast) so not dissolve the ice too for not spoil to the mix. Milkshakes milkshake by hand using a Shaker, which is filled with three-fourths Cup with ice, preferably cubes. He is added then the ingredients, in an order of alcohol content (begins with higher alcoholic gradation). Mix with energetic movements until the water begins to condense on the outside of the Shaker, indicating that the drink is cold enough (6 to 8 sec.).

Smoothies or Frozen drinks based on alcohol and fruit, among other difficult to combine with another method, ingredients are prepared usually using a blender, until you get a homogeneous consistency. If it is used This ice must be chopped. This method should be used only when the recipe calls for it. In this type of drinks frozen be careful special in the proportion and type of ice, since this varies constantly by the climate as well as by the type of conservation. Flambe this type of combinations must be heated, and is used for this either a Shaker as well as some stainless steel container, where it catches fire liquid. Use gloves or a rag because Shaker tends to heat up. -Cocktails and more original author and source of the article

European Union

You can note therefore, that between the world of opportunities that occur with the process of globalization is the new technology, which is characterized by the robotization of the industry, the massive use of computers, electronics, information technology, and the Internet. You have access to a wide variety of consumer goods, new technologies and knowledge. It allows access to ideas and international best practices in different fields and domains. This may be a new product design, a new project of investment, a new production technology, a new management practice, may even be a set of institutions that have proven successful elsewhere, and finally, a model of society. Confirms that the driving force of all these trends towards economic, social and cultural globalization, is based on the idea of the expansion of markets, the communications revolution and scientific and technological innovations.

At the present time, it is obvious that there is an inescapable trend toward such openness, towards the formation of global markets and global corporations. It is observed as the integration of markets continues to consolidate in the case of the European Union, through a strong process of agreements that is enabling the achievement of monetary union. The media have been reflecting this process of globalization with the frequent news about mergers that have been made, for example, between large German automotive companies with American, in banks, etc. In the technological field, globalization is revealed as a dynamic process, whose progress is irreversible and whose consequences are more far-reaching than those generated by the first historical wave of globalization that we have made references. All this is due to the momentum of the revolution in communications and technological innovations in general. Moreover, within it, are, environmental concerns, which are very relevant as in the case of Venezuela, because we are an oil-producing country and one of the most direct harmful effects that have been identified on the atmosphere is derived from the burning of fossil fuels.

Large transnational companies like Shell are already developing substitutes for oil as fuel, to face the increasing pressures that are becoming increasingly more environmentalist, worried about the atmospheric deterioration. This can be interpreted as an opportunity to develop new technologies, such as orimulsion, which allows us to keep us in the international market to remain competitive by offering a quality product and complies with the international standards of quality such as: ISO 9000, ISO 14000. Otherwise, would transform into a threat if unable to develop a technology that adapts to these environmental demands.

Payment Presence

Most markets are becoming more demanding in the environmental field and a company can lose more by their vilification than by the payment of the fine. There must be an identification of the company with its social responsibility towards the conservation of the environment, the preservation of everything that can deteriorate the environment where it operates. You must highlight competitive advantages, everything that in addition to satisfying the needs of consumers does not pollute the environment, all this in order to successfully venture into foreign markets. Hence, that will discuss, the relative importance of a single determining factor or set of factors, will differ from one industry to another. In particular, the relative importance of the different determinants will be linked to the key competitive variables of the industry. Taken into account, that expertise in marketing is critical in packaged for consumption goods, many services and fashion-related industries. Competitiveness in these industries usually depends on the presence of a demanding domestic market demand. A cheap workforce is essential in personnel-intensive industries, such as low-priced clothing and footwear industries segments.

Competitiveness in these industries depends on the presence of cheap labor and certain level of infrastructure development. Which depend on technological development as the air space, advanced electronics and computer programs. Competitiveness in these industries depends on people with a high level of instruction and training, an exacting demand, the presence of related technologies and business strategies based on the research. Indicates, that in general, while more advanced technology or shorter product life cycle, most important is counting with favorable conditions on all the determinants. In industries that are at a late stage of the life cycle of the product, demand can be equally demanding in a number of countries and the technology is often widely available. In these conditions, the advantages in a subset of determinants can produce success in international competition.

Galaxy Study

All the stars are moving in an orbit with a very high rate, one star even managed to complete a round for these 16 years, giving astronomers to study the possibility of indirectly mysterious "brutal" motion of our Galaxy. 'Centre of the Galaxy is a unique laboratory in which we can study the fundamental processes that are characteristic for conditions of strong gravity, stellar dynamics and star formation, which are important to explore all other galactic nuclei, with a high level of detail can never be achieved by studying outside of our Galaxy ", explains Reinhard Hansel (Reinhard Genzel), leader of the group that conducts the study in the Institute of Space Physics, Max Planck Garchinge (Garching), near Munich (Munich), Germany. 'Undoubtedly, the most impressive element of our 16-year study is that it has provided the information that is now considered to be the best empirical evidence of the actual existence of supermassive black holes', continues to Hansel (Genzel). 'Star orbits observed in the center of the galaxy, no doubt, confirm that the concentrated mass at the center of the galaxy, which corresponds to four million solar masses, should a black hole. " Not to mention the fact that this study was the most detailed of all the research area of Sagittarius A * (precision equipment used in this study were six times higher than the accuracy of equipment used in any other study, which took place before that), the astronomers of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) have also identified the most precise distance from the center of the galaxy to our solar system, our supermassive black hole lies at a safe distance from us long to 27 000 light years.

Much information was also collected and the individual stars. 'The stars are in the most remote areas, are moving randomly, according to an arbitrary orbits, just as flies swarm of bees, 'says Stephen Zhillessen (Stefan Gillessen), first author of an article published in the Astrophysical Journal (The Astrophysical Journal). 'In addition, six out of 28 stars orbiting around a black hole in the plane of the disk. In therefore, a new study is also an unequivocal confirmation of the results of an earlier work, which was discovered by a disc, but only in statistical terms. Orderly movement outside central region of the length of one light-month, randomly oriented orbits within this region, so it is possible to describe the dynamics of the formation of young stars in the galactic center. " It's very simple: the object influencing these stars should be a supermassive black hole, another explanation, based on the foregoing, no. Does this mean that black holes are much greater extent have the reputation of the cosmological 'fact' than the 'theoretical'? It is natural to assume that, yes … Original Source: University of Arizona News Release Translator: Dorokhov Elena (Translation "Gulfstream")

Protecting Each Other

From neighborhood watch schemes, to trained professionals, this protection agency works hard to ensure you are safe in your car, in your home and everywhere in between.  Established originally to help the elderly, it was seen after some time that other groups in the state required protection too.

In addition, this agency focuses on different ways to protect the environment, encouraging groups of kids and adults to engage in environmentally-friendly schemes.  When kids are educated young, they are more likely to turn into environmentally-conscious adults.

Looking after people translates into looking after the environment.  That is what we believe at our protection agency.  We seek to guard the citizens of Illinois by keeping on the lookout for crime; seeking ways of how to make our environment thrive; and looking at different options on how to protect our children.  The children and the environment are our future – we need to be there for them both.

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