Social Service

The aging is an inherent element to the time, having in the assimilation of experiences one of its marcantes characteristics. In this direction the Statute if places of objective form when delimiting a social space of interchanges between aged and the too much etrios groups. However, it is essential to raise the awareness of the society, therefore the understanding of the aged being perpassa the generations and needs respect and enrollment. It is certain that the law does not only possess in potential itself to modify of one hour for another one the perception of the society how much to this problematic one, therefore goes beyond, defining itself as it is a slow process that if constitutes to the measure where to the people if they find open in reflecting on the condition of the other. It is, a priori one, the collective sensitization that has capacity to transform the way as the individuals of younger etrias bands if they place in this process of intervention where the social assistant acts as intermediador instrument of the inclusion relations social, by means of mechanisms that potencializam the aged one while to be politician. CHAPTER III the PROFESSIONAL OF SOCIAL ASSISTANCE AND the ATTENTION To the ELDERLY To soon of the development in the society, the Social Service was tied with the attendance to the aged individual, through its filantrpicas and assistencialistas sources of attention to fragilizados stratus in such a way for the socioeconmicas inaqualities, how much for the problematic one of its inclusion folloied for the stigma of the oldness. Not obstante, for being about a profession that it directly deals with the intermediao between the politics you publish and the guarantees of rights of the individuals, he is undeniable that the Social Service has as obligation to intervine in the related or happened social situations of conflict of the aging, taking care of in its demands, destarte to this, composing all a sense I criticize to about its implications for the social environment, since the population aging is a phenomenon that if composes in order reflecting in relations between the individuals, in the politics proposals for the State, in the relations of work and the proper perception of the elderly front this reality of life that is imposed gradually by the time, determining as many transformations in its existence.


Service is what if it cannot lead even so, is not physicist, not if it can consume, is an experience in determined moment. The services facilitate the organization of the time of the people, are used services to increase the time in favor of the individuals for acquisition of new services, as to go to the one snack bar and to eat a snack saving time of the preparation of the meal in house and thus sobrando, time to go to the one cinema. Therefore all the people who keep contacts with the consumers are part of the pursuing of rendering of services. (BATESON, 2001) Can Be managed the Service? The necessary company to carefully define the necessities of the customer when projecting its program of support services and assistance to the product. (KOTLER 2000, P. 466) When if it deals with rendering companies of services, verifies that the same one always leaves to the front when executes its services with consistently superior quality to the one of its competitors, surpassing all the expectations of its customers. When one works with rendering companies of services is observed that the customer collates the service perceived with the waited one, case this perceived does not take care of the expectations of that one waited these customers will be able to lose the interest for the supplier and case perceived service surpasses the expectations the customers will have a bigger motivation to appeal again to the supplier. WOOLS HOUSES (1995) tell that: When the customers accustom with some type of quality level, the same start to find that what the service lender makes he is not nothing more than what its obligation, therefore the customs practically annul the perceived benefits if the same ones will not be perfected. Another possibility is with the rendering of services constantly developed in the effort to surpass the expectation of the customer it increases each time more the level of given services and how much bigger it will be the vicious cycle and that it grows to the measure that the customer interacts with the lender of services.

Federal Customs Service

The cost of logistics risks grow, Russia on this risk indicators and the pace of Brazil, and consumers are at risk of developing new ones – unpleasantly high – the price of imports. Not only runs the risk of tcf. initiative of the Federal Customs Service could not find an endorsement of either in Russia or for its borders. “Breaking the road container traffic in favor of the railway is not done by momentary administrative decision”, – said Finnish Minister of Transport and asked her counterpart Igor Levitin to use all possible means to prevent the adoption of new rules that could completely disfigure and stop the transit of goods to Russia. Our Ministry of Transport, in turn, is confident that the ban “Complicate an already difficult situation in the trucking market and lead to massive job losses.” But the last word has not yet told Other tcf initiative is not perceived as painful. Launched in March the process transfer of customs control and clearance of goods at the place close to the border, we can calculate the temporary inconvenience.

A discussion of innovations, such as the introduction of electronic declaration, the introduction of through a single bill and cross rates for the whole operation from supplier to consumer products, just make us happy. Unless, of course comes to implementation. But this is again the human factor Georgia orange barrels World crisis, of course, could not help but reflect on logistics.

Social Service

At many moments the way in them excessively seems crooked to advance. What it all keeps in them firm in the certainty of the victory to the end of the effort they are the hands that in they help to walk. E, at this moment, I remember here some people are wanted who me and to who I want to be thankful. The God, for allowed having to conclude me the Course of Social Service. Its presence at the moments of I cry, smiles, desperation and joys, where I passed for many challenges, but that it stimulated to reach the victory. To my parents Jorge and Marlene, therefore, if today I commemorate this conquest, I must the vocs who had been to my side in all the moments, mainly my mother who is a great woman that always were with me supporting themselves in everything, becoming for me an example of force, persistence and beauty.

You mother, try to search the most beautiful words and discover that, ahead of the magnitude of the devotion that always excused to me, any gratefulness becomes ephemeral. To my brothers Simone and Jorge Luiz, for the patience and comfort through thick and thin, in special to the Jorge who with its creativity and talent, obtained to transcribe all my abstract ideas transforming them into concrete, with its drawings and arts abrilhantando still more mine works, simplismente brother you is very special. Vov Iracnia for the affection and deposited support, beyond the company for all these years, better conviviality vov, could not find. To my Morvan boyfriend, for understanding the importance of this conquest and accepting my absence when necessary. To my nephew Richard and mine amiguinho of Fred esteem, at the moments estressantes in this walked, with the innocence of had rescued me to each one and they took me my proper infancy. To all the uncles, aunts, cousins in special the Renatinho, cousins and brother-in-law, my familiar dear, for the affection and understanding that had dedicated in this trajectory to me, where they had supported my absence at moments special, but that they had been able to understand and to continue to support me, reaching with me the apex of the conquest.

Transitional Arrangements

Speed pays – 2014 energy efficiency consultants need to invest five times in their training. Berlin, 14.11.2013: In November and December the Institute of management consultancy, IFM, last 2 dates for the course of Supplement to the basic qualification as a energy consultant offers 2009 21 in its old form com. EnEV. Until 31.12.2013, establishing a complementary training with 16 lessons per week is sufficient to obtain the coveted list entry for energy efficiency building and renovation (KfW) which dena. After the transitional period, the stricter regulation enters into force at the turn of the year. From 2014, the amount of the required additional qualification to the 5 times increased to 80 lessons.

Advisor with an existing consultant number (ACFA), which in the list of energy efficiency experts for support programmes of the Federal Government of the Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH, dena shortly, would be recorded or want to apply for an extension are all energy efficiency affected by this regulation. Energy-efficient construction, It is politically desirable to refurbishment, as well as the on-site energy consulting. Therefore, the Federal Government supported activities in the areas of energy-efficient construction, energetic renovation and energy consulting with KfW funding. The dena as a coordination unit was established for quality assurance of the advantages of on-site energy advice, planning and construction supervision. Who is registered here, has demonstrated its expertise through appropriate initial training, basic skills and supplement course and is entitled to apply for funding. The additional qualification aimed training according to BAFA guidelines between Nov. and 21 energy consultants, engineers, architects and technicians along with masters and craftsmen with the completed initial qualification com.

EnEV 2009 2001 and 2012. The two-day seminar takes place at the IFM locations Potsdam, Berlin Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin Charlottenburg. Seminar begins at the 27.11.2013 and the 18.12.2013 respectively by 9:00. For more information see. Verena Bock

The Warnings

Of truth that becomes difficult believe that managers of public policies are not responsible for the situation of obscurantism that the country is experiencing, and as I said someone the biggest problem lies in that single no is that there is no light, is that there is no lucidez. No country can grow without energy, development goes hand in hand with an intelligent and well planned growth of the various resources involved in the expansion which means an improvement in the quality of life of the inhabitants. Give the impression, that this well planned development has not been, so some experts say that the solution will be of medium and long term, is fundamentally not it rains (that helps) but you need to be efficient generating energy and anticipating their needs for consumption at the time. Of the 17 electric companies in Venezuela, only 3 were private. But it is good to warn that those three private companies only accounted for 15% of the assets of the national electric sector, 85% remaining were public. We can not deceive Venezuelans to make them believe that the lack of private investment is the cause of such situation. At the time of the enactment of the LOSE noticed the professionals in the sector and more specifically EDELCA professionals, about the need to increase the thermoelectric power plants at a rate of about 700 MW of annual generation. Also, we noticed about the need for modernization and expansion of transmission systems to 765 kV, 400 kV and 230 kV and corresponding subtransmission and distribution of electric power systems.However, despite the warnings made, EDELCA continued with the unique plan of infrastructure development that has remained constant in their development in Venezuela and thanks to which we are not to obscure all Venezuelans all hours of the day and night. We refer to the development of the lower Caroni.

Measuring Iron Lady

Music-Cabaret: 30 July-11 August 2013 except August 4 – di – SA 20:00, 19:00 the next Federal President is popularly elected. And it will be this woman. Because the Kuster is the iron lady,”after our soft-washed country so desperately craves. It is the perfect changing of the guard for the morally run-down greeting uncle of the nation – a force of nature, equipped with rapacious mind and exuberant moral size. The versatility of the Kasha is phenomenal. Whether as a more official or verbiesterte emancipated as a hilarious sex pasta or exciting Femme fatale – this woman stands in the middle of life. The self-confessed reenactments”proves humor with a sharp mind and has the talent, even brilliantly to present themselves.

Not ending applause after two hours Cabaret at its best!” (Wolfsburg General) Further informations under card phone 030-883 15 82 or cards including all fees: Presale 22.00 27.00. “AK 19.00 23.80 discounted tickets to the box office: everything is 12.50 the press on the programme position” Word effusions full of punch lines? Brake. Prussian charm is the hallmark of Barbara Kuster. Entered to face the ever rampant Coddling, the Brandenburg cabaret inspired equal on two evenings in a row with their best-of – program attitude is everything”in the fisherman’s House. Snappy amusing entertainment lovers were fully at their own expense. (…) In their more than two-hour program, Barbara Kuster brings the high politics and the small dramas of everyday life to the point. Ironic and cynical, she comments current events, time wrapped in everyday stories, a little bit in inconspicuous subordinate clauses.

(…) The audience laughed tears. Without the addition was the power woman at the end of the stage. Wesermarsch district newspaper, 08.03.2012 Prussian Rockrohre (…) Energetic song and dance machine razor-sharp parodies? From the time when Barbara Kuster which takes stage, changed something in the room. In this case, peak, which is packed on this cold winter’s night. It’s like, all spectators would take attitude internally before a woman at first glance almost nondescript. As staunch reenactments in Bavaria it asserts itself, determines the speed pretty fast pace that may be not entirely unanstrengend according to the announcement,”but everyone immediately ripping. Barbara Kusters off 20: 00 shot back”is about two-hour program. Follow her like, can surprise and trap and finally enters the laugh about themselves, the society and the policy. Well observed and razor-sharp Kuster parodied herself, her family, Angela Merkel, Marlene Dietrich and again as it would get over Tina Turner. You dances and sings it like a soulful rock tube and turns into the cuff of the accurate precise reenactments with Secretary glasses and black Female costumes to the unstoppable dancing, exactly taken any sound singing and dancing machine. No wig, no costume, posture, hip swinging and gestures. (), 14.02.2012 contact: Sabine Wenger Presse and public relations / press officer and Public Relations 030-39 06 65 65 the theatre tents “TEPEE at the Chancellery” and the “BAR of any reason” are stage for concerts, shows, chanson and cabaret in Berlin.

The Ombudsman

On the other hand, sometimes the decision of granting the dation in payment entity takes both interests, commissions and miscellaneous charges accumulate. Pricing of homes, may be also different lower past the time when it comes the time of the auction. People affected by the mortgage platform and several groups more even collected signatures for an ILP (legislative Popular initiative) on the dation in payment that is retroactive. Declaration of insolvency not an appropriate procedure for the legal treatment of the insolvency of natural persons is regulated in Spain, says the Ombudsman; Many ask their regulation since, currently, a person is declared bankrupt does not allow to cancel debts, although you can defer some payments. The Confederation Espanola de organizations of housewives, consumers and users (CEACCU) asks you to match families and companies, so that they can liquidate their debts with assets available at the time of the bankruptcy.

And consider that a family is bankrupt when it is not possible to pay off your debts (mortgage) with their assets (salary, allowance) available. The debt could renegotiate, retaining housing, or you could resort to the enactment. The Ombudsman speaks of a release (of the debt) which allow start again and avoid social exclusion. The PSOE, for its part, proposed an out-of-court procedure prior to the bankruptcy to give solution to not wilful subsequently overhang and lengthen deadlines for evictions. Social rent are often demanding in many cases, especially in processes that affect immigrants or families at risk of social exclusion. Once presented a claim of foreclosure for non-payment, the Bank can buy the property at the subsequent auction that you can also declare void or another buyer, almost always at a price that is around 50% of its value (or even less) if there are several auctions. There are occasions in which families are still living in houses that are already owned by the Bank and, basically, expect to get them the warrant of eviction.

Unmissable Places Of Barcelona

Barcelona is one of the European cities most visited by tourists eager to visit the capital, both by attending conferences, meetings and all kinds of exhibitions that are held in the city. It is the second most populous city in Spain and has very pleasurable and interesting places as well as a captivating and hectic nightlife. The activities that we can do in this great city: from walking along the Ramblas to enjoy street musicians and living statues, passing through walks in Tramvia Blau to climb to the top of the Tibidabo and see the magnificent views of the city that appears at his feet, or even wandering along the Passeig de Gracia to see the better-known boutiques in Barcelona. The architecture of the city is amazing, different museums, historic buildings and galleries to explore. The Gothic quarter of the city is fascinating to explore and will take you back to the old traditional Barcelona. Although the streets can seem darker, you can venture in search for buildings more impressive. The streets are old style and are dotted with cafes and bars located in the buildings of the 14th century. The city boasts a wide range of accommodations, hotels and youth hostels in barcelona to suit all tastes and budgets.

Places you should not miss: Paseo de Gracia (Casa Batllo and la Pedrera): it is a stately boulevard with buildings and national and international luxury business. It has an unmistakable style thanks to modernist architecture. Gothic quarter: Is the core of Barcelona where the city was born and where are the major public buildings: the Palau de la Generalitat, the Town Hall, the Palau Reial. Holy Family Church: Is Gaudi’s great work without a doubt. The great Cathedral of banner of the more modern architecture and Gothic inspiration was the biggest project of his life and his more beloved and funded dream. Nature-related reasons are represented in all the work of Gaudi. Enter the Sagrada Familia is advisable to go to the elevators that lead to the highest towers, then began to descend from its same bowels. La Rambla: Undoubtedly is the most visited place in Barcelona since it’s one of the most frequented and most emblematic streets.

This area is where we find artists, mimes, shops of animals and to florists in Barcelona. Barceloneta: La Barceloneta is the Marina district of the city (is the neighborhood of fishermen and beaches). Avenida Diagonal: Such as its name indicates it us; is trafficking in a way serves as a nexus between the Eixample and the area more high in the city. It is currently one of the city’s busiest streets. Olympic village: Olympic village is built on a careless and ancient area that was previously dedicated to industry. Fortunately the area has been completely transformed and recycled on the occasion of the Olympic games that took place in 1992 and today sets up one of the areas that bears the most avant-garde architectural wonders of the continent. Tip trip courtesy of we guarantee minimum prices for the market in cheap hotels in Barcelona. To stay at one of the cheap hotels in Barcelona you choose to save on accommodation and spend on fun.

Industrial Engineering

It was the responsibility of the coordination keeping the programs according to the behaviour and needs of the scenarios. I confess that neglects a little program and enter me most in the Administration and their endorsements. A program that not only participate in their elaboration, but as a teacher. After about 18 years of neglect on this topic, I returned to dabble in the mastery of Industrial Engineering of the University of Carabobo, where I was a few years, especially in the beginning of this mention, program in which only participates as a teacher, although I did reference on several occasions to their weaknesses and strengths in content, especially in its materials according to the business needs that the country requiredabove all, of Master’s in industrial engineering, which bring a new approach to management of production, management of production processes, quality and productivity and ensuring the protection of the environment benefits. I met other requirements other than which they formulate in EGAII. Given that for this time the role of the quality and productivity are decisive for companies for their competitiveness and forces to restructure many of traditional knowledge in function to others that adapt to the business reality of the present.

I was added within the subjects concerning the management of investment projects which I consider important in the formation of the master as well as everything related to organizational behavior and management topics, a great weakness that the engineer brings his initial training. Fortunately the master in industrial engineering program began to make changes to traditional approaches and structured a program where predominate more strengths than weaknesses, that still it remain, especially as it relates to management of production processes, quality assurance; standards of quality, marketing, quality and productivity; strategic planning. What advantageous that it has is that it incorporates the relevance and scope of quality and productivity that the engineer should know to efficiently manage. According to the characteristics of the current scenarios personally endorsed also, my foray by a few years once removed from the masters in industrial engineering and serving me in quality and productivity, I think, that many of the national graduate schools must give way to a new profile of the master’s degree in industrial engineering, a proactive graduatefully trained to manage adequately the productive processes, its operational capacity, for quality and productivity, efficient management quality, strategic planning, organizational behavior, engineering-statistics economic, management and technological innovation, planning and management of total quality, marketing, quality and productivity, the production management, engineering work, professional ethics and management of production costs, personal development. Specifically, we must delve into all matters concerning the processes of production and its benefit in quality and productivity, management, advanced models for control of production and inventories, personal development, technology, production costs and personal development. Graduates will have the competencies necessary to meet the challenges of the current scenarios in relation to the role of technology, quality and productivity that companies favors their competitiveness, will have the ability to use the methods, techniques and modern automated tools to analyze the strategic and competitive positioning of an organization. You can play in positions that demand a proactive leadership, strategist, functional, according to the requirements of the current scenarios as required by globalization labor markets.

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