Superior Court

Professionals who graduate from right of the Peruvian universities are increasingly more, it is for this reason that I am calling upon all new young candidates at various universities who think very well things, do not choose the race because they believe that they are profitable, but choose your career by his passion. that is why waltwer pachas moore legal professional, in the areas of civil, procedural civil law, corporate law and hydrocarbons, with vast experience in different occupational levels of the profession, with greater dedication in recent years in the field of law of hydrocarbons (oil and Natural Gas), lawyer specialist in negotiation and dispute resolution environmental partner. With proven experience in negotiation and purchase sale of surface properties and legal and physical curing them, for the development of hydrocarbon operations. Also Legal specialist for 05 years of civil courts and commercial of the Superior Court of Lima knowledge and practice channeled into the corporate legislation in force, as it is the elaboration and formalization in all sorts of societies and private contracts in civil, commercial and oil company (sale of immovable and movable, work exploitation, exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons, servitudes, contracts of joint venture). Original author and source of the article

Botanical Garden

When directing if for the first capital to the south of Brazil come by the Southeast we can find aconchegante city with structure to recepcionar the people. In this capital it has a diversity of chances to know its beauties. The city of Curitiba in the state of the Paran adds innumerable hotels of diverse values that can provide to rest for its tourist or commercial representatives. At the same time in the center of the city it has diverse restaurants, store and shopings that it offers to leisure and descontrao for the people. To know the city with more depth we can find a bus London style in the Tiradentes Square in the center of the city, that takes the people to know the points tourist of the capital. Between these stops we can visit the Garden Botanical, the Panoramic Tower, the Opera of Wire and the parks spread for the region. Retaking the road and following for the paranaense coast we find the city of Paranagu.

A calm region in which they add some tourist points and the Port of Paranagu. The city for placing itself under the side of the Atlantic Ocean it offers to boats for diverse beaches next the littoral coast and some islands to the region. The city offers to some liturgical tourist points and the visitation to the port of Paranagu. The port can be visited by the APPA (Administration of the Ports of Paranagu and Atonina) in which becomes fullfilled one registers in cadastre of the visitors in set appointments schedules. Treating to a neighboring special place to this city we find the Island of the Honey, region next to the littoral coast where, the exit of boat leaving of Paranagu enters until the island leads around 1 hour.

In this passage we can observe the natural beauties in passage tranquilo. The island discloses an image fantastic. It has a small port in which they bring alongside the boats come of the next regions. When arriving we find some inns, snack bars and bazaars with artisan products. Of the other side of the island, we can know its tourist beaches and some points. Between them we can visit the Grotto of the Magic ones, a rocky environment is situated near the border of sea. To arrive in this place it has a way with indications since the port of the island in which they bring alongside the boats, until the place of the grotto. In beaches of the next island to the coast it has some snack bars and some pipes d' water for the people to be washed after salty water. To return the So Paulo we have highway BR 116 where some stretches it deserves to redouble the attention. Until the So Paulo capital we find some tolls and some breakpoints very interesting.

Gigantic Key Points

I wanted to share with you 2 important super techniques, that you will have to include/understand immediately if you want to burn more faster fat And to never recover it. Events Triggering factors and On-learning. One of the main reasons for which 95% of which they follow a diet or they do exercise fail, is so that they own certain events, or events triggering factors in their lives, that cause that they very easily leave his diet or plan of exercises. In the case of certain people, one is to attend social meetings. They do it very well when they are single, but when they are surrounded by its friendly, they fall to its old woman little healthful habits of feeding. For others, this has to do with a certain level of stress can cause that much people leave the habits of healthful feeding totally to lose fat in just a short time. Both are ENORMOUS Events Triggering factors, that will cause that the loss of maintained fat, is practically impossible for the majority of which they follow a diet and they make exercise.

By it, now you know what is an Event Triggering factor will speak envelope how to avoid them: First, we are going to pass a few minutes with a sheet of paper and a pencil. It looks for in your head and it remembers all the plans of diet and exercise that you have followed with the passage of the years It thinks about every time you separated from those routines Caused what it? It was an emotional decision?It was stress? It was your social life? , etc. To identify your Event Triggering factor is the STEP #1 to eliminate it. , now you have identified your Events main Triggering factors, the following step is very well to establish what we know like On-learning in that head yours.

Best Service

LCD technology in the sales of new year’s Eve and well accepted offers of these celebrations of Easter, has been accepted the imposition of LCD technology in the television equipment. And it is that elegance, excellence, quality of vision, adequate prices, which every day are made more attractive, together with the possibilities of having excellent services in Mendoza LCD make the imposition of its use by the lovers of the distractions that we can enjoy through the already badly called small screen. What is an LCD system? LCD screens are made up of thousands of tiny liquid crystals that allow light to pass through or blocking it depending on the electrical charge that have applied to them. And what today appears as a great technological innovation dates back to 1888 when Friedrich Reinitzer, chemical that was investigating about carrot extracts rich in cholesterol, found that they show two points of fusion and generation of various colors, presenting these results at the Vienna chemical society. In conclusion, a liquid crystal or LCD screen (acronym in English which represents liquid crystal display) is a thin screen and flat formed by pixels in color or monochrome placed in front of a light source or reflector.

Each pixel of an LCD consists of a layer of molecules aligned between two transparent electrodes, and two polarization filters. The surface of the electrodes that are in contact with the liquid crystal material is treated in order to adjust the molecules of liquid crystal in an address in particular. This determines the name of some technologies such as the TN (twisted nematic) where the arrangement of electrodes alignment is in perpendicular position, giving rise to an organization of these of helical or twisted shape. According to the amount of energy that reaches the arrangement of the electrodes will be modified originates the shades of gray to black.

Social Service

The aging is an inherent element to the time, having in the assimilation of experiences one of its marcantes characteristics. In this direction the Statute if places of objective form when delimiting a social space of interchanges between aged and the too much etrios groups. However, it is essential to raise the awareness of the society, therefore the understanding of the aged being perpassa the generations and needs respect and enrollment. It is certain that the law does not only possess in potential itself to modify of one hour for another one the perception of the society how much to this problematic one, therefore goes beyond, defining itself as it is a slow process that if constitutes to the measure where to the people if they find open in reflecting on the condition of the other. It is, a priori one, the collective sensitization that has capacity to transform the way as the individuals of younger etrias bands if they place in this process of intervention where the social assistant acts as intermediador instrument of the inclusion relations social, by means of mechanisms that potencializam the aged one while to be politician. CHAPTER III the PROFESSIONAL OF SOCIAL ASSISTANCE AND the ATTENTION To the ELDERLY To soon of the development in the society, the Social Service was tied with the attendance to the aged individual, through its filantrpicas and assistencialistas sources of attention to fragilizados stratus in such a way for the socioeconmicas inaqualities, how much for the problematic one of its inclusion folloied for the stigma of the oldness. Not obstante, for being about a profession that it directly deals with the intermediao between the politics you publish and the guarantees of rights of the individuals, he is undeniable that the Social Service has as obligation to intervine in the related or happened social situations of conflict of the aging, taking care of in its demands, destarte to this, composing all a sense I criticize to about its implications for the social environment, since the population aging is a phenomenon that if composes in order reflecting in relations between the individuals, in the politics proposals for the State, in the relations of work and the proper perception of the elderly front this reality of life that is imposed gradually by the time, determining as many transformations in its existence.


Service is what if it cannot lead even so, is not physicist, not if it can consume, is an experience in determined moment. The services facilitate the organization of the time of the people, are used services to increase the time in favor of the individuals for acquisition of new services, as to go to the one snack bar and to eat a snack saving time of the preparation of the meal in house and thus sobrando, time to go to the one cinema. Therefore all the people who keep contacts with the consumers are part of the pursuing of rendering of services. (BATESON, 2001) Can Be managed the Service? The necessary company to carefully define the necessities of the customer when projecting its program of support services and assistance to the product. (KOTLER 2000, P. 466) When if it deals with rendering companies of services, verifies that the same one always leaves to the front when executes its services with consistently superior quality to the one of its competitors, surpassing all the expectations of its customers. When one works with rendering companies of services is observed that the customer collates the service perceived with the waited one, case this perceived does not take care of the expectations of that one waited these customers will be able to lose the interest for the supplier and case perceived service surpasses the expectations the customers will have a bigger motivation to appeal again to the supplier. WOOLS HOUSES (1995) tell that: When the customers accustom with some type of quality level, the same start to find that what the service lender makes he is not nothing more than what its obligation, therefore the customs practically annul the perceived benefits if the same ones will not be perfected. Another possibility is with the rendering of services constantly developed in the effort to surpass the expectation of the customer it increases each time more the level of given services and how much bigger it will be the vicious cycle and that it grows to the measure that the customer interacts with the lender of services.

Federal Customs Service

The cost of logistics risks grow, Russia on this risk indicators and the pace of Brazil, and consumers are at risk of developing new ones – unpleasantly high – the price of imports. Not only runs the risk of tcf. initiative of the Federal Customs Service could not find an endorsement of either in Russia or for its borders. “Breaking the road container traffic in favor of the railway is not done by momentary administrative decision”, – said Finnish Minister of Transport and asked her counterpart Igor Levitin to use all possible means to prevent the adoption of new rules that could completely disfigure and stop the transit of goods to Russia. Our Ministry of Transport, in turn, is confident that the ban “Complicate an already difficult situation in the trucking market and lead to massive job losses.” But the last word has not yet told Other tcf initiative is not perceived as painful. Launched in March the process transfer of customs control and clearance of goods at the place close to the border, we can calculate the temporary inconvenience.

A discussion of innovations, such as the introduction of electronic declaration, the introduction of through a single bill and cross rates for the whole operation from supplier to consumer products, just make us happy. Unless, of course comes to implementation. But this is again the human factor Georgia orange barrels World crisis, of course, could not help but reflect on logistics.