Social Service

At many moments the way in them excessively seems crooked to advance. What it all keeps in them firm in the certainty of the victory to the end of the effort they are the hands that in they help to walk. E, at this moment, I remember here some people are wanted who me and to who I want to be thankful. The God, for allowed having to conclude me the Course of Social Service. Its presence at the moments of I cry, smiles, desperation and joys, where I passed for many challenges, but that it stimulated to reach the victory. To my parents Jorge and Marlene, therefore, if today I commemorate this conquest, I must the vocs who had been to my side in all the moments, mainly my mother who is a great woman that always were with me supporting themselves in everything, becoming for me an example of force, persistence and beauty.

You mother, try to search the most beautiful words and discover that, ahead of the magnitude of the devotion that always excused to me, any gratefulness becomes ephemeral. To my brothers Simone and Jorge Luiz, for the patience and comfort through thick and thin, in special to the Jorge who with its creativity and talent, obtained to transcribe all my abstract ideas transforming them into concrete, with its drawings and arts abrilhantando still more mine works, simplismente brother you is very special. Vov Iracnia for the affection and deposited support, beyond the company for all these years, better conviviality vov, could not find. To my Morvan boyfriend, for understanding the importance of this conquest and accepting my absence when necessary. To my nephew Richard and mine amiguinho of Fred esteem, at the moments estressantes in this walked, with the innocence of had rescued me to each one and they took me my proper infancy. To all the uncles, aunts, cousins in special the Renatinho, cousins and brother-in-law, my familiar dear, for the affection and understanding that had dedicated in this trajectory to me, where they had supported my absence at moments special, but that they had been able to understand and to continue to support me, reaching with me the apex of the conquest.

Transitional Arrangements

Speed pays – 2014 energy efficiency consultants need to invest five times in their training. Berlin, 14.11.2013: In November and December the Institute of management consultancy, IFM, last 2 dates for the course of Supplement to the basic qualification as a energy consultant offers 2009 21 in its old form com. EnEV. Until 31.12.2013, establishing a complementary training with 16 lessons per week is sufficient to obtain the coveted list entry for energy efficiency building and renovation (KfW) which dena. After the transitional period, the stricter regulation enters into force at the turn of the year. From 2014, the amount of the required additional qualification to the 5 times increased to 80 lessons.

Advisor with an existing consultant number (ACFA), which in the list of energy efficiency experts for support programmes of the Federal Government of the Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH, dena shortly, would be recorded or want to apply for an extension are all energy efficiency affected by this regulation. Energy-efficient construction, It is politically desirable to refurbishment, as well as the on-site energy consulting. Therefore, the Federal Government supported activities in the areas of energy-efficient construction, energetic renovation and energy consulting with KfW funding. The dena as a coordination unit was established for quality assurance of the advantages of on-site energy advice, planning and construction supervision. Who is registered here, has demonstrated its expertise through appropriate initial training, basic skills and supplement course and is entitled to apply for funding. The additional qualification aimed training according to BAFA guidelines between Nov. and 21 energy consultants, engineers, architects and technicians along with masters and craftsmen with the completed initial qualification com.

EnEV 2009 2001 and 2012. The two-day seminar takes place at the IFM locations Potsdam, Berlin Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin Charlottenburg. Seminar begins at the 27.11.2013 and the 18.12.2013 respectively by 9:00. For more information see. Verena Bock