Of truth that becomes difficult believe that managers of public policies are not responsible for the situation of obscurantism that the country is experiencing, and as I said someone the biggest problem lies in that single no is that there is no light, is that there is no lucidez. No country can grow without energy, development goes hand in hand with an intelligent and well planned growth of the various resources involved in the expansion which means an improvement in the quality of life of the inhabitants. Give the impression, that this well planned development has not been, so some experts say that the solution will be of medium and long term, is fundamentally not it rains (that helps) but you need to be efficient generating energy and anticipating their needs for consumption at the time. Of the 17 electric companies in Venezuela, only 3 were private. But it is good to warn that those three private companies only accounted for 15% of the assets of the national electric sector, 85% remaining were public. We can not deceive Venezuelans to make them believe that the lack of private investment is the cause of such situation. At the time of the enactment of the LOSE noticed the professionals in the sector and more specifically EDELCA professionals, about the need to increase the thermoelectric power plants at a rate of about 700 MW of annual generation. Also, we noticed about the need for modernization and expansion of transmission systems to 765 kV, 400 kV and 230 kV and corresponding subtransmission and distribution of electric power systems.However, despite the warnings made, EDELCA continued with the unique plan of infrastructure development that has remained constant in their development in Venezuela and thanks to which we are not to obscure all Venezuelans all hours of the day and night. We refer to the development of the lower Caroni.
Month: April 2016
Measuring Iron Lady
Music-Cabaret: 30 July-11 August 2013 except August 4 – di – SA 20:00, 19:00 the next Federal President is popularly elected. And it will be this woman. Because the Kuster is the iron lady,”after our soft-washed country so desperately craves. It is the perfect changing of the guard for the morally run-down greeting uncle of the nation – a force of nature, equipped with rapacious mind and exuberant moral size. The versatility of the Kasha is phenomenal. Whether as a more official or verbiesterte emancipated as a hilarious sex pasta or exciting Femme fatale – this woman stands in the middle of life. The self-confessed reenactments”proves humor with a sharp mind and has the talent, even brilliantly to present themselves.
Not ending applause after two hours Cabaret at its best!” (Wolfsburg General) Further informations under card phone 030-883 15 82 or cards including all fees: Presale 22.00 27.00. “AK 19.00 23.80 discounted tickets to the box office: everything is 12.50 the press on the programme position” Word effusions full of punch lines? Brake. Prussian charm is the hallmark of Barbara Kuster. Entered to face the ever rampant Coddling, the Brandenburg cabaret inspired equal on two evenings in a row with their best-of – program attitude is everything”in the fisherman’s House. Snappy amusing entertainment lovers were fully at their own expense. (…) In their more than two-hour program, Barbara Kuster brings the high politics and the small dramas of everyday life to the point. Ironic and cynical, she comments current events, time wrapped in everyday stories, a little bit in inconspicuous subordinate clauses.
(…) The audience laughed tears. Without the addition was the power woman at the end of the stage. Wesermarsch district newspaper, 08.03.2012 Prussian Rockrohre (…) Energetic song and dance machine razor-sharp parodies? From the time when Barbara Kuster which takes stage, changed something in the room. In this case, peak, which is packed on this cold winter’s night. It’s like, all spectators would take attitude internally before a woman at first glance almost nondescript. As staunch reenactments in Bavaria it asserts itself, determines the speed pretty fast pace that may be not entirely unanstrengend according to the announcement,”but everyone immediately ripping. Barbara Kusters off 20: 00 shot back”is about two-hour program. Follow her like, can surprise and trap and finally enters the laugh about themselves, the society and the policy. Well observed and razor-sharp Kuster parodied herself, her family, Angela Merkel, Marlene Dietrich and again as it would get over Tina Turner. You dances and sings it like a soulful rock tube and turns into the cuff of the accurate precise reenactments with Secretary glasses and black Female costumes to the unstoppable dancing, exactly taken any sound singing and dancing machine. No wig, no costume, posture, hip swinging and gestures. (), 14.02.2012 contact: Sabine Wenger Presse and public relations / press officer and Public Relations 030-39 06 65 65 the theatre tents “TEPEE at the Chancellery” and the “BAR of any reason” are stage for concerts, shows, chanson and cabaret in Berlin.