Manuel Antonio Lopez

For Manuel Antonio Lopez, rector of the educational institution Eduardo Santos, the commune 13 is not the same after operation Orion. This man of stiff words came to school when I was a small school of sidewalk just. It blunted 1999 and thought that only he would be 2 months. They are already more than 12 years. The neighborhood was growing, and the institution had to be upgraded to that evolution. By the end of 2000 they had sufficiently large blocks to serve the community. But the year 2002 is a time which the rector not forgotten, and that according to him, the community either.

That year was armed clashes, until Orion after that other conditions were generated. Education sometimes is complicated, because conflicts that start in the College moved a few blocks further down or vice versa, which has become a challenge for education. For that reason, Lopez has adopted a pedagogical model that generates awareness among students about the way in which conflicts must be resolved. But it is that this year, we have had problems with the Group of psychologists, for example, because they only came at the beginning of the school year and returned this week, contends the rector with some bewilderment, because thus it cannot continue with the work that has begun. And it is that when you enter the school at recess time, it is easy to detect as boys have an uncontainable energy they need release. It is difficult to walk through the halls without colliding with one of them.

After Orion Para Manuel subject is psychological cutting. They are sons of Orion. They grew up without a father because he fell in these clashes, or have a disabled family member, then there is a history there that need to escape. Problems affecting the institution are various, besides that the Chancellor has to mobilize between two locations which in they were formerly independent institutions and which today form one.

The Loss Of Weight Is Easy Does Not Have By That Kill You From Hunger

Made small changes making small changes can make a world of difference. The only eating an extra cookie each week will you win 3 kilos a year, then to reduce it from your diet because you will not earn that weight extra. Therefore you have to think about the loss of weight as a permanent change in your lifestyle and your diet. In general we are anxious and goals to lose weight want to be in short periods of time. However, if you point to avoid future weight gain, to lose what you have in excess and not recover it anymore, what you have to do basically is to change your lifestyle. Move more if you increase the movement and become a more active person, even eating as you eat now, then down weight. This does not mean that you have to go to the gym and train hard, but it will be more beneficial if you start with lighter exercises such as walking regularly for 30 minutes 5 times a week.

Go to a gym obviously give you tremendous benefits for your weight loss, but the idea that We deal with now is that just your you move more, you’re more active what can you. And if you don’t like gyms in all ways you can improve your physical condition by making more it sport, take aerobics classes (or buy videos and view them in your House), swimming, cycling and the list goes on and most likely is that you can accommodate your routine some kind of activity that you can enjoy, so it’s what you likedo more than that. Does not lack that you begin to train like an athlete’s elite in the activity that you like. It begins slowly and do not tire of input. In terms of the simple daily activities, it have a more active lifestyle. It is very simple, uses more stairs, walk more and use less the car, get your homework, stay active, spend more time doing things that are, and less time sitting on the couch. Do you want to lose more weight? Read your Ideal body, please click here for slimming original author and source of the article.

Las Palmas Repeats

How to do it? Prate with your hands behind the head, the chest towards outside, and the elbows backwards. Sintate in the hips and doubles the knees to lower your body as far as possible, without losing the natural arc of the spine. It tightens muscles of the glteos and it is forced again to the starting point. Image: 3. Dominadas or Pullups This is the best movement for your train superior, because great part of muscles of your body works, wide dorsal muscle, biceps. I know that it can be difficult, but as your body takes form will become simpler. If you cannot absolutely tries ayudarte to raise and low slowly without aid.

This he is one of the exercises to become thin more complete than you will be able to find. How to do it? It begins down from sostenindote completely with Las Palmas towards outside. It pulls ahead until its chin is over the bar and again it lowers slowly until being sharp again. Image: 4. Step arrives the people who go to the gymnasium spend hours in a climber, then, you can have a better exercise, with the step arrives. How to do it? Pon a foot on a bank and pushes downwards through your heel to raise your other leg. It returns to the starting point and it finishes all the repetitions with her. Soon it changes of leg and it repeats the exercise.

5. East Plank exercise is essential if you want to fortify the nucleus of your body and in addition to work your abdominal ones. Hazlo during 30 seconds 5 times. How to do it? Supon that you are going to realise a small lizard, is the same position, with the elbows underneath your shoulders. It maintains your shoulders backwards and downwards and the abdominal ones contracted. Support the position during 30 seconds, slows down, and repeats.

Who Is Obliged To Keep Records?

Tax advisor Ute Marseille from Bochum informed for smaller companies, the obligation to keep records means a substantial additional effort that costs them time and money. To call out here any undue burdens, excludes the German legislator especially small entrepreneurs, professionals from the requirement to keep proper records. The Bochum-based accountant Ute Marseille informed who the German laws require accounting. Whether a company must present a double-entry bookkeeping, arises from the 238ff sections. HGB as well as 140f. AO. Traders and merchants are affected.

However the term merchants is”from the perspective of the commercial code something more broadly, as in common parlance. Basically all self-employed persons, who operate a commercial enterprise, are assimilated to the merchants. The obligation to keep records in accordance with German commercial code does not apply to so-called small and microentrepreneurs, if their companies after nature and scope not furnished in commercial way Require business”( 1 para 2 HGB). In case of doubt the local Chamber of industry and Commerce informs entrepreneurs about, if this is the case you. 241a HGB, which entered into force in the year of 2009 in the wake of the Bilanzmodernisierungsgesetztes, excludes merchants from the obligation to keep records, which have achieved no more than 500,000 euros turnover and 50,000 euros profit during two immediately consecutive fiscal years. Newly founded company benefit from this scheme already at the first closing date.

The obligation to keep records not determined by commercial rules, she can arise also from the tax law. section 141 of the tax code requires traders, farmers and foresters to cause proper books if they exceed annual sales of 500,000 euros or gains of 50,000 euros. Forest and farmers are also subject to accounting at an economic value of their land by over 25,000 euros. Pursuant to section 140 of the tax code is the tax obligation to keep records independently comes from other statutory provisions, even considering, if an entrepreneur does not count according to commercial standards to the merchants. Freelancers and the self-employed, that neither after trading still tax rules books, do their tax returns by a revenue surplus account starting Emit. However, even they must with documents to prove their income and expenditure and keep them. The Bochum-based accountant Ute Marseille like enlighten their clients on all issues related to the accounting. Press contact accountant Ute Marseille Josef-Baumann-str. 21 44805 Bochum phone: 0234-96431 31 fax: 0234-96431 91 email: Homepage: